I'm running again!!! This was the first "downhill" portion of the little run today.

This was the first hill I charged up. It's right above a cemetery. When I got to the top, I could hear
Taps coming from below. It was very moving.

Then as I was bending over, trying to catch my breath, I spied these little ladies on the flowers.

Then came the glorious joy that single track trails bring me.

I was pretty good about keeping my foot up and ice on my ankle for the majority of the week. I returned to work Saturday with a full eight hour day. It was a little difficult, being on my foot that long but I made it. Then I had to do the same thing Sunday. Each night I came home and iced my ankle. Today, I was scheduled for 4.5 hours, starting at 2:00. Seeing that I was on my feet for 16 hours over the weekend, I thought I would give running a try this morning before going to work. I would have been happy if I just had to hike. I knew
I HAD TO get out on the trail before I went completely
WHACKO! My attitude was getting in dire need of an adjustment. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY wants to be around me when my attitude needs adjusting. Trust me on this!
I'm happy to say though, that running the 3.25 miles felt so stinkin' good. It was nice to actually break a sweat again. I felt like such a big slug sitting around all week. I am so not used to that lifestyle. I started off running very slowly today. I kept my eyes on the ground in front of me. I won't say I wasn't nervous and scared about twisting my ankle. In all honesty, the left side of my body (leg, butt, rib cage) was causing me more grief than my ankle. I'm still sore from the tumble. But, surely everything will heal in time. This I know. ;)
I have the next three days off from work. I hope to be able to run a little further by the end of these three days. I still have plans to do the Diablo 25K on June 6th and Angel Island 50K on June 20th. Everybody takes a week off every now and then, right?
Until later.............
Nice photos of the trail. Good to hear you are on the mend.
I am so glad to hear you are healing well and were able to get out on the trails. I imagine that if you are doing this much better after one week, you will probably be totally fine for your races that are a few weeks away. Do you wear an ankle support? My husband sprained his ankle a while ago, so whenever he runs or plays BBall he wears this elastic ankle support and he said it helps...Might be something to think about for the upcoming races, just in case.
Have a great week!!
Dont overdo it with too much too soon.
Glad you got out there though. :-)
as always, your photos are so pretty!
Man, what a beautiful running route!
"Nobody, and I mean NOBODY wants to be around me when my attitude needs adjusting"
I trust you LOL. I'm the same way ;-)
glad you were able to get out there :) just keep icing that ankle!!
Good for you! I sprained my ankle many years ago from being hit by a car, my ankle surely doesn't remember that now. The power of healing.
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