We parked, gathered our hydration packs, applied sun screen, and headed over to the finish line area. From there, we started our Garmins and headed on up the road. And up, and up we went. It soon became a very overgrown, extremely steep single track trail. I knew it was going to be steep but I was really surprised how steep it was. In less than 3/4 mile, we had climbed 1,000 feet! That's really STEEP. Then we hit a fence. Uh-oh. Back down we went. Back down to the finish line area. This time I asked someone where the runners come in from. He pointed in the opposite direction. DOH! Okay, well that was a nice little two mile warm-up. Sheesh.
It was hard to believe, after all the time Christy and I spent out there, we had only run six miles. But, we had a great time regardless. (We always do!!) I had my ankle taped up. It felt good. Actually wasn't an issue at all. I did go back to wearing my Montrail Hardrocks because they are more stiff than my XT-Wings. I think I need that right now. I am icing tonight, just because the ankle can tell it did a lot of pounding today. It's not swollen or anything.
I hope everyone did well in their races this weekend. I know there was a lot going on. I'm anxious to read the reports.
Until later.............