Monday, January 12, 2009

Lazy Monday

After a whirlwind Saturday, I allowed myself to take it easy yesterday. I slept in and stayed in my pajamas until well after noon. I took it easy and caught up on some wifely type things around the house. Boomer was lucky enough to get out in the morning with Sophie, the puppy next door. Jerry came over and picked him up and they went to the local grammar school to play doggie games for a couple of hours.
I had to go to work at 5:00 pm to help with physical inventory. I was scheduled until 1:30 am but I didn't get out of there until after 2:00. Ugh! By the time I got home and ready to go to sleep, it was about 3:30 in the morning. Needless to say, today was a bit of a non-productive day. I did take Boomer for a two mile walk and I'll take him again tonight after dinner. But, that's about it for the exercise today.
I am not meeting my friend for our weekly donut tomorrow. I am instead going to go get some time on the trails with Boomer. I work tomorrow night and Keith and I are sneaking in some mid-week skiing on Wednesday and then I work all day Thursday. So, tomorrow it is.

Until later.............


Southbaygirl said...

Hey sun lover!!! Hope you're loving the weather....UGH! Oh well. Hey, your schedule sounds as crazy as mine sometime! So I completely understand a lazy day!!! I've been smart as I've gotten older and have really listened to my body!! Sometimes sleeping in is the best thing!!

I hope you have had a great day!! Enjoy your walk tonight with Boomer!!

Marcy said...

Sometimes you just need an extra day, right? ;-)