When Christy found out I was going to be running a hilly 18-20 miles by myself today, she volunteered to join me for a chunk of it. That's what friends do for each other. ;)
This was my first time on the top of Mission Peak today, by myself:

The devil herself, Mount Diablo, in the distance. I'll be doing my marathon there on the 19th.

My second time on the top of Mission Peak today, with Christy this time:

The final climbing portion to the peak:

What would the run have been without momma and baby cow striking a pose for me?

I arrived at the Stanford Avenue parking lot this morning at 8:15 to make my trek up to the top of Mission Peak. It was a beautiful morning. Sunny, clear, 51 degrees. I climbed the 2,100+ feet to the top in 1:15. I ran back down to the parking lot where Christy was there waiting for me. I quickly refilled my water bottles, made a potty stop and the two of us took off up the mountain together. I'd never made this trip twice in one day but I knew the elevation gain and loss was something I needed to do to feel good about my upcoming marathon with almost 8,000 feet of gain (and loss). It had warmed up significantly by this time. We took a little different route to the top this time. It was not as direct and it had a lot more climbing. I don't know how long this took us but I know I was moving slower this trip up. After we got to the top, we headed down the other side and went behind the peak to a water pump and I dipped my head under it and got my entire body wet. It felt sooooo good! Just one more climb and then it was downhill, almost the entire way to the parking lot. I thought it had really warmed up and when I got back to my car I understood why.
It was 83 degrees!!!
My total distance for today was 17 miles. Total elevation gain was more than 4,500 feet. No knee pain at all. That's a good thing.
I feel like I'm ready for Diablo in two weeks. ;)
Until later.............
Sure sounds like you're ready - great work!!
Right on! May your quads be like springs to lift you up Diablo!
Sounds to me like you're ready. Only two weeks out, huh? Exciting stuff!
YOU are amazing!!! WOW all that in 83 degrees! I would have melted :)
so awesome Christy was there too! I <3 running friends!
Oh man, I think it will be another hot one for the Diablo run. It was hot last year and they said it's never hot at this time of the year, yeah right! It's always been hot when I ran in Mt. Diablo. Great job on the run and how fun that you had company.
Ready to rock that race. That's a fast warm up, sheesh. I know we'll be going from winter to summer very soon (likes to skip spring around here).
Nice pix! Baby cows!
Wholly crap batman that was some run! I would have joined you if I hadn't been stuck on stage 15 at Paramount!!
I think you are so ready for Diablo!! You'll do great! I wish I could be there to support you!!
Those were killer hills-and to do it twice up to Mission Peak! Maybe I shouldn't run with you-you'd blow me away!!!
Wow, sounds like a great run, even in the heat!
Nice that your friend Christy joined you, it is always great to run with a friend...
Way to go, Girlfriend! You've done Diablo before, right?! Here's hoping for a PR.
Tough run and well done!
I am a newbie to your blog. The pictures are simply breathtaking. Great blog! I know its cool to run along with a friend. It makes it all the worthwhile.
Ok... So -km not a fat or chubby chick...maybe just feeling fat and chubby! I guess that happens when you buy new underwear or when it's your "time of the month" or when some clothes are feeling "different"...ha ha maybe it's all the "hills" I'm running that are changing my body....ok..I'll try not to call myself dirty bad names!!
Yay! You're running Diablo? I'm going to be helping all day so I'LL GET TO SEE YOU!!!!
Nice training run, by the way. I need to get down to the Mission Peak/Sunol area before Ohlone.
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