I took Jana and her two doggies to Sunol again today. We hiked up to the top of Flag Hill. It's 1.25 miles up with about 1000 feet of climb.
Izzie, Boomer, Jana, Me and Spike
Izzie and Spike, oh my gosh! Those dogs can run like there's no tomorrow. I thought Boomer was fast. These dogs run across a hill full charge, they're just a streak. And when they want to pass you on a single track, THEY WILL. Boomer's so nice, he'll just hang back until he sees an opening. LOL The Labs found a couple of nice ponds to swim in which thrilled them and allowed them to cool off a bit. Boomer dipped his toes, barely.
Fun was had by all on the little five mile loop. No squirrels were killed but many got their exercise today. I do mean MANY!
Until later............
I can't believe those cows!!Looks like your are having a real territory fight with them.
What a super time:-)
Cows being trouble makers...hahahaha...you knew I'd have to comment on THAT!
What a great hike!
love your pics as always! eek those cows sound scary!!
those labs sound just like emma... she LOVES to run and she is not very polite either :)
OK, seriously, how did you get the picture of 'everyone?' It's great!
Never come between a momma and her baby...of any species!!!
So much fun!
I love the big group photo too, it's fantastic!
oh my gosh. i want to come visit you so you can take ME up to Sunol. love the photos!
I want to live where you live! Those trails look amazing!
Aren't squirrel runs the BEST! Ok, they are the best for our four-legged runners!
You have had amazing running days-I'm so jealous!!!
Now there's some happy dogs!
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