I'm back to being excited about Sunday. Just a tad concerned about the temperature. Now they are saying it's going to be 86 to 90 degrees. I originally had thoughts of wearing a waist pack with one 20 ounce bottle. But now, without a doubt, I am wearing my Nathan hydration pack which will hold, if I need it, 1.75 liters. I will be bringing margarita flavored Clif shot bloks because they have more sodium. I will be sure to drink lots of fluids and soak my head whenever possible.
As usual, my goal is to complete the distance and not be DFL. If I am to be honest, (which I always am) I expect my finish time to be 8-10 hours. When I do the Golden Hills Trail Marathon, my finishing times have been 6:38 and 6:28. With the elevation of this marathon, I think I can easily add on another couple of hours. Do I want to be out in that heat for that long? Uh, that would be a big hell no! But, I have a feeling that's what it is going to take.
Now, maybe some of you are thinking, "then why the heck are you doing this?" Well I will tell you just a few reasons. 1) Because I will get to see some of my friends (either running or volunteering). 2) I've never been to the top of Mt. Diablo and this is one way for me to get there. The scenery is supposed to be spectacular. 3) I want to see if I can. 4) Aid station treats!
I plan on taking it one step at a time and making sure each step I take is leading me in a forward direction. I have to remember to breathe deeply and take in the beauty of the day. I hope to have lots of great pictures to share with you all.
One more day and I get to run. Yup, I'm excited! ;)
Until later.............
You are going to do great, I know it!!! I am super excited for you and cannot wait to read the recap! Take lots and lots of pictures!
Wow, it sounds like it is going to be hot, but just drink tons and tons early on in case you don't feel like much later on.
MMM for pasta carbo loading!
Yes, definitely bring more than just a bottle for Sunday. If you find that you are drinking and sweating more you may have to take salt, not sure how much is in the Cliff Blocks. If they have ice available. stuff some down your hydration pack, where you keep your water bladder. I was volunteering at a race one time and this woman would do this to keep her water cold and to keep her back cold too. I don't like packs because they block the wind from hitting my back but having ice in there sure would be nice. Ice bandanas are great too. See you Sunday. If I don't have your donuts when I get there it's cause Jon ate them on the way over.
I missed your fretting yesterday, so I'll add today....
You are going to be great! You are strong. You are the mightiest trail runner I read...you. will. be. fine.
We will all be virtually running with you. Think of us when you need us, otherwise...have a great time!
PS...Take the salt...it is wicked, but completely worth it. It was really warm at the RnR Marathon last year, and I ate salt. It saved me :-)
Yay for running tomorrow! AND when you don't feel like 'doing it any longer' remind yourself - the faster I go, the faster this will be over. Seems simple enough, right;)
It'll be great. Can't wait to hear about it.
Good luck and have fun on your race tomorrow. The shot bloks would surely help, is it crampbuster w/ 3x sodium? Looking forward to seeing some pictures and reading your account of the race.
it sounds great. you are going to have a blast!
I'm looking forward to the report!!
You go out there and have a good time, no matter how long it takes.
yeah!!!!! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait for sunday! I wish I was there supporting you...but I'll do my best from my phone!!!! Go kick some Diablo ASS!!
That pasta sure looks good right about now, and I'm sure you'll be hungry tomorrow after finishing your fabulous Diablo marathon!
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