I took Jana, my across-the-street-neighbor-with-two-doggies, out for her very first trail run this morning!! We did 4.5 miles and she did great. She and I have hiked together and she showed an interest in trail running so I gave her a taste. I warned her about how addicting it can be. She said afterwards that she really enjoyed it and she felt very good. ;)
I am dog-sitting a Jack Russell Terrier named Zoe, she weighs about nine pounds. She kept up with all the big dogs today. Here they are, patiently waiting for Jana to open the gate so they can run like heck.
I can't begin to tell you how marvelous it felt to be out on the single track trails again. This was my first run since Diablo. It was a cool 51 degrees at 7:00 this morning. Go figure! We're having a major cooling trend here in the bay area this weekend. LOL

I was here on Easter Sunday and everything was beautiful and green then. Not even two weeks ago. Now look how much brown there is on the hills. Still pretty though.
Keith and I are going up to Yosemite tomorrow morning, with the dogs, and we will be camping overnight. Yes, I'm bringing my running shoes. AND MY CAMERA!
Until later.............
I am so very jealous that you got a beautiful trail run in this morning, that it's cool, that you are going camping ( I LOVE to camp) and that you are going to yosemite and are taking your running shoes! Please take me!! I've never been to yosemite! Yeah I know I'm a loser!! I'll probably be working until the wee hours of the morning!! No camping for the penster!! Come to think of it no weekend for the penster-just a half day to recover from the week and one day off!
Have an amazing time with your hubby and the furry beasts in yosemite! You had better take tons of pictures!!
WOW! Yosemite!!! We spent some time there a couple of years ago and just had the best time. It was beautiful! I was amazed at all of the bikers riding up those crazy, steep hills.
So cool that you live so close to beautiful places like that. Enjoy your time there!!!!!
Lovely photos as always.
Can't wait to see photos from yosemite!
wow, the run looks perfect! can't wait to hear and see pictures about Yosemite! it's on my list of 'to get to' soon!
Yosemite, this the third blog that mentioned that place. Been awhile. Enjoy your time and I'm glad to see that the legs are fine.
Yay, how fun? Gee, looked at your post race report...is that a plug for REI or something? What are they, paying you?;)
Sounds like you're all healed up and ready to rumble again....(me too)
Wow, I just got done reading all about your crazy and hilly run a couple posts down. That is just so impressive, and what an accomplishment.
Beautiful shots, too ;)
Beautiful place...almost makes me want to take up trail running (well...almost). RBR is gonna be soooooo jealous!
soooo pretty :) love all the doggies!!
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