This snake has red spots which you can see if you enlarge the photo. Anyone (RBR) know what he might be?
And this is the aftermath:

I just got back from a great 60 minute run with Christy along the Alameda Creek Trail. It's so nice to have her to talk to on my runs again. She doesn't go back to work for another month so hopefully we will be able to get a lot of running in between now and then.
I just got back from a great 60 minute run with Christy along the Alameda Creek Trail. It's so nice to have her to talk to on my runs again. She doesn't go back to work for another month so hopefully we will be able to get a lot of running in between now and then.
Until later.............
YIKES on the snake. It looks harmless enough . . .although so do coral snakes and those things will kill you HAHA
So my husband did some research and it looks like it is the California Red-Sided Garter Snake. Check out this link:
I used to see rattlers when I was in Utah and they scared the crap out of me!!!
I HATE snakes-i would have freaked out! That is my big fear when I'm out trail running!
So happy you got a nice long hike in with your neighbor and that Boomer had pals to roll in shit with! How exciting!!
And a nice run! Woman you are hardcore!!!
When are we running together. Hell when will we meet!!
omg snakes - eeeek!
that place looks awesome!!! how do you get there? my dogs would LOVE that... they love to splash around in water, especially emma the lab :)
yay that your running partner is back!
What a treat!!
I think the snake looks cool. :-)
Boomer looks like the kid too young to play ball with the big kids, hahaha. What a beautiful day, sheesh. Perfect for hiking and some trail running, niceee.
Damn, FoodhthatFits beat me to it!
Yes, it looks like a California red-sided garter snake. It is the most common type of garter around here. I am not a huge snake fan, but I think garters have sweet faces.
Great run/hike! I want to get out on a trail. I am so sick of freaking work!
cool pics. looks like a great place to run. :D even with snakes.
I m soo scared of snakes! Glad your running partner is back!
Beautiful scenery, as always, except I'm soooo scared of snakes :-)
cool pic of the snake...and love the one of the dogs in the's much colder here right now...
Did this snake look at you??? How daring you were so close.
Merlin would have loved this creek. He can't swim yet, hopefully he'll learn it this summer.
Wonderful pics!
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