I have been able to run four days in a row and that makes for one very happy girl (and dog). I'm not going to set any mileage PR for the week but at least I'm running again, for now. I took today off and am working all day tomorrow so I won't be running again until Thursday. If I don't run, Boomer and I go for a two mile walk around the neighborhood in the morning and then after dinner. He needs his exercise just as much as I do. I'm still trying to do Wii every day. If I miss a day, the trainer gives me crap! She says something like, "Oh, were you too lazy to work out yesterday?" She makes me feel guilty. My leg seems to be getting a lot better. I am trying very hard to focus on good posture and proper balance. I love running so much and I will do whatever it takes to be able to do it regularly. Plus, I love to eat (whatever I want) and running allows me to not feel guilty doing so.
On another note -- Sara went back to work today. She drugged herself up the entire weekend to make sure she stayed out of pain. Her main concern right now is that she's healed enough to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner next week. We all have our priorities, right?
Until later...................................
Yeehaw for you! Isn't life grand when you can be back on the trails?
Sweetness on the runs!
She gives you crap for not working out?! I guess I'll never know since I rarely go over to the strencth training/yoga part HAHA
Yeah for a run with Boomer!!! Nothing better than getting out there with your four-legged running companion!!! I'm right there sister!!!
Life sure is grand Victoria. Glad you're out there again too. Yes Marcy -- my trainer gives me crap for not working out. She has quite the attitude. Nothing better Southbay Girl. You got it! I'm excited to go out tomorrow morning.
Hey lady-- two questions for you. 1) If you were running Garin or Las Trampas, what trails would you do for a good 5-6 mile run with some pups? 2) Want to come for a run on Sunday with my friend and our dogs?
Oh my gosh! I SO want to go for a run with you, your friend, and all the doggies. I have to work at 11:30 which means I need to be home by 10:00. I'm going to call you because, well, I just can't wait! ;)
I have four different five mile loops at Garin.
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