Bryan, the assistant manager at my store has been asking me to join him on a ride. I didn't have to work, it wasn't raining, so even though I had ridden 18 miles yesterday, I accepted his invitation for this morning. We met at a 7-11 (which happened to be RIGHT next door to a donut shop!), three miles from my house at 7:45. First thing to do was FUEL UP:

I knew we were heading down Niles Canyon and up Palomares Road. But I didn't know we were going to be doing a 32 mile loop TODAY! I thought we were just going to the end of Palomares and back. Whatever. I was game. I had a donut and there was a bag of Gu Chomps on my back and both of my water bottles were full. The 2.5 miles down Niles Canyon were no big deal, less scary than I thought it would be considering it is a two lane highway. As soon as we turned onto Palomares, everything changed. We would be climbing six miles, up to 1,200 feet. We started at about 30 feet above sea level. About a mile or so in, I did stop and catch my breath. That was the only time though. The rest, I just kept peddling, no matter how slow. And SLOW it was at times. Often I would look at my Garmin and I was going 3.5 mph. But, I kept peddling.
Bryan is 23 or 24 and Daniel is 19 and they're both as thin as rails, as you can see. Bryan is an avid cyclist and Daniel is pretty experienced as well so needless to say, there was no way I could keep up on the climb. I know it just takes practice but I sure felt slow on the hills. The rest of the time I had no problem at all staying right with them. It was a beautiful ride with the fog keeping us cool.

We finally made it to the summit (1,200 feet) and we stopped to enjoy the view and have a little snack.
Daniel & Bryan hammin' it up!

After the summit, naturally it was downhill for a while. The road was wet from the fog, water was dripping from my helmet and my tires were wet. I didn't feel super comfortable flying down the road so I kept it around 30 mph. Again, it takes practice. By about mile 17, I was completely OVER peddling up anything that appeared to look like an incline. When we finally got onto Foothill and it flattened out for a period, I got a burst of energy and cruised along at a pretty good pace though. With eight miles left, I had to admit I was TIRED! The good news though, the rest of the way was going to be flat. For some reason, about this time I noticed the boys were letting me ride in the front. The boney-ass'd S.O.B.s were drafting off my big ass!! Every time I looked over my shoulder, there was a tire very close to the back of mine. Interesting, huh?
After hitting the 7-11, I rode my three miles back home which made my ride a total of 38.5 miles. Luckily I had lunch plans with my Mom for her 77th birthday or I would have crawled right back into bed. I took a nice hot shower, which my muscles thanked me for later, and went out for some nice pasta and conversation with my Mom.
Okay, now for the BEST part of the day. I pulled over to give this little guy some love. He actually let me pet him. It was hard for me to break away and continue down the road. I adore cows, especially baby ones. I'm SO glad I don't eat them. Isn't he cute???

I hurt in more places than I would like to right now. I told Keith I feel like I ran an ultra. My arms, shoulders, legs, hips, abs and back all hurt. Not the bones, the MUSCLES! I hope I'm not more sore tomorrow. I have to work all day.
Will I do this ride again? What do you think? LOL
Until later.............
i can't believe they took up palomares and through niles canyon!! YOU GO STUD!!! Palomares is a legit ride - you went up the right way though to keep it "easier." and then you did the dublin grade (i have a lot of rides that just do that) and then you biked PAST my house along Foothill! Niles Canyon is scary - legal to ride of course...but scary. I won't do it. I've only done from Palomares to Mission blvd (used to bike to REI from Pleasanton that way). IM SO PROUD OF YOU! good job! the ride i'll take you on will seem easier (now)! ;)
That Cow is so sweet. He looks like a big cow version of my Black Lab.
Makes me never want to eat cows again either. (I'm a big softy for animals)
now after seeing some of the climbs out there, you go girl!! I suck at hills, so i'm sure I'd have been struggling to keep up with you on the inclines lol Cute cow!
Okay, I stole your cow picture and I'm gonna put it on my Facebook. I hope you don't mind.
Yay! The fueling picture is hilarious. Before the CM rides I like to stop at the Ferry Building and get a sourdough cheese 'wheel' at Acme.
sounds like a great ride - hubby and I are always looking for good suggestions for rides and since I need to work on my hills - this might be one to check out! :)
good job! i wish i could ride out there! it looks beautiful!! hills are your friend girlie.
Good job making it up that hill. A few more times and you should be ready for some serious road work. The cows always run from me. I presume they know something about you that gives them confidence?
Yay for your big ride!
It's amazing all the muscles that engage with cycling. There is a lot of core involved. And when I ride long, it's my shoulders (not my legs) that feel it the most.
yes, you will ride it again!
Next goal--Mt. Hamilton!... :)
Wow! That sounds like a fabulous time!
What a great ride! As for cows...I grew up with them. When I'd go for a run, they'd all follow. My friends named me "She who runs with cows." Not sure I think they are so cute anymore. :)
Nice ride! And nice pre-ride fueling! (You know *my* routine!)
LOVE the cox pix. Cow pix are ALWAYS cool.
Your legs look freekin' awesome woman!
Hey Jo Lynn,
Question for you. Do you have any advice for working an aid station during an ultra? I'm going to be at the main station for the Javalina Jundred next Saturday during the afternoon / evening. Any tips on things to bring along, wear or plan for? I want to be a good volunteer, and I know you're a pro!
My email is runninglaur at if that's easiest. Thanks so much, and hope you have a fantastic weekend!
I'll email you Laura. But, a positive attitude is the most important thing you can bring with you. ;)
That donut place is so close to our house! I've never been there before; do you recommend it? ;)
I used to do that ride sometimes three times a week about 20 years ago. You make me want to try in on my 'bent. Climbing the 'bent it torture, the front wheel does not want to stay on the ground on a steep climb.
(Mark P.)
It was great meeting you at SF One Day! Here is that ride I was telling you about in Berkeley Hills - Bart accessible:
I am so excited to come across all of these great blogs devoted to running and biking! It has absolutely made my day! my husband and I are runners and he bikes some. I'd like to start maybe in the spring. I want to get some running under my belt first. You make it sound so great! Yay for great woman who work hard and exercise hard! Isn't it great! Thanks for letting me visit! Have a great day!
Wonderful ride! I want to come ride there! I would be with you on the slow end of the hill climb. I need to work on that!
Duh, of course you'll do it again. BUT now I know why you laughed at me when I said I got lost on a ride...out and back? No way sista;) Hahaha. That is great. Sometimes, it's best to bite the bullet and just go on that ride. No sense in worrying about it, just pack extra fuel always. Congrats, that rocks.
Nice ride! I can't believe you in sneakers and keeping up with the skinny minnys...with all this saddle time it's time to upgrade and go clipless!
You'll wonder how you did without!
You go, girl!
It had to be that optimum fueling pre ride that helped!
Cute cow!
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