If I go back to two days after getting back from Jamaica, I can tell you I started feeling like a cold had caught me. Stuffy/runny nose, headache, sore throat, eyes watering, sneezing, coughing. Ugh. I figured it was something I picked up from the plane. Friday (the day before the triathlon) I came home early from work because I felt so crappy. I rested all afternoon and took DayQuil for my symptoms. When I went to bed Friday night, I didn't know for sure if I would be doing the triathlon. I told my husband I would wake him up if felt up to it. You already know the outcome of that, right?
Today, a full week later, my symptoms are not gone. And, not only are they NOT GONE, they aren't even BETTER. This has got me in a FUNK. I've gone from taking DayQuil to taking Tylenol Sinus something-or-other and Alka-Seltzer Cold & Flu. Nothing is helping. If you have a cure-all for my symptoms, PLEASE be kind and share it with me. I really can't stand this. I guess it could be allergies. All I know is, IT SUCKS!
The highlight of my week came on Tuesday morning. I went to Pleasanton to meet up with my friend Lisa. No, you have never heard of Lisa. I met her when I started working at REI. She just left REI in the last month. She's a very accomplished swimmer, has completed triathlons (not sure of her longest distance) and is now training for her first Ironman in Idaho next summer. She invited me to join her and her training partner, Izzie, for a ride. I jumped at the invitation. It was supposed to be 1.5 hours but only ended up being an hour. It was a beautiful ride, through many vineyards. The weather was cool and quite breezy. Some of it was along the bike course I did my triathlon on last Saturday. I was afraid to take my camera out of my pocket, for fear I would crash, so these two pictures were taken by Lisa and given to me. Thanks again Lisa, for letting me join you and for taking the pictures.

I was able to work my three days this week which I was pretty sure each morning when I got up, I wasn't going to make it through. But now I have the weekend off. Aaaaaaaaah. I have a PCTR event to run in on Sunday. It's only a 14K and I can hike the whole thing if I need to. I am signed up with Christy so that will be fun no matter what!
I hope everyone had a great week and you all have a marvelous weekend. Best of luck to those that are racing!
Until later.............
Sorry you're so funky! That stinks. I does sound like a fun ride, though. Looks like some great scenery.
looking good on that bike!
I know lots of people say that it's just the placebo effect, but I swear by Airborne...even if I've already got a cold, it seems to make it go away faster. I hate being sick, even for a day.
get well soon!
Where are those vineyards? The nearest are in the Livermore Valley, but that doesn't quite look like I remember ...
I have no real cures or anything special, but just the usual stuff like chicken soup, lots of liquids and rest...
Take care!
Hmmm...have you have a few complete rest days? Some where you only been at home with chicken soup? I was sick, too and for good one week feeling totally weak. It's going around for sure!
What are those things on your arms??... Oh, I forgot, it's not 90+ degrees everywhere in the country. Could you send some of that weather this way? Preferably no later than 5 weeks?
Looks like a terrible place to ride ;-P
Hope you're feeling better
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