After last Thursday's 38.5 mile bike ride, I was sore for the day but felt normal by the next morning. Thank God! This made me ready to ride again when earlier this week, Lisa invited me to ride Calaveras Road with her and Izzie. Both of them are training for a full Ironman next June.
Lisa was kind enough to hold the camera and take photos along the way for me. By putting her in charge of the camera, I now have this photo in my arsenal. LOL
Me and Izzie
The two lane road turns into a single lane road for well over half of the almost 30 mile ride.

Calaveras Reservoir, a view from the summit:

The hills are already turning green from just a couple days of rain.

Sunol Regional Wilderness Park:

Izzie, Me, Lisa. At the summit on the way back.
Compared to my ride last week, this one was easier. With that said, it is in no way an easy ride. It's a steady
climb for ten miles! It's just not
super steep. I know Lisa and Izzie were riding slower than they normally would but I was not complaining one bit. I feel like Ellen and I are getting to know each other quite well. I'm getting very comfortable with my gears on climbing and descending. Now if I can just get used to the saddle. I know, like everything, it just takes time. This too, shall get better. It was so nice to be out with two great women on such a beautiful day. Thank you ladies!
I have been working quite a bit and I seem to be busy with one thing or another on my days off. I've been so tired and not sleeping well. I'm not getting in as much exercise as I would like either. Do you ever feel like you have so much to do that you can't even start one thing? That's how I feel right now. I haven't even been keeping up on all my Blogger buddies or going onto Facebook as much. Sorry! I feel like I'm in a slump. A slump of every kind!
I have the next three days off. Woohooooooooo!!! I am hiking with my boy in the morning and then I will take Ellen out for 30 miles or so afterwards. I'm hoping for a run on Saturday morning. The time outdoors should get my mood back up which in turn will get my energy level up. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Until later.............
You may end up with a new saddle. Lots of options out there but if you're on the stock saddle it came with, you may have to drop the extra and get a really good one. Totally worth the money.
Fun Fun Fun.....& you look hott on your bike!
Great job getting out there JoLynn, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed. We all go through that, take care and enjoy the three days off.
You seem to be having tooooo much fun on that bike of yours.
I hope the time outside gets your mood back up. I feel trapped in my house right now due to my back problems and that's definately put me in a slump. I think outside time would help me as well.
you should look at terry saddles. it's a company of women that make saddles for women. :)
Sorry about your SLUMP!! I get in those too...not fun trying to pull out.
OK did I read right 10 miles of steady incline. Ummmm OK you are a stinkin superhero.. I truly thinking biking up hill is much much harder than running.
As always LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures!!
Have a great weekend...and get out of the SLUMP
Woot! You and Ellen are becoming fast friends. Excellent ride. I have been in a huge slump and I know that not exercising is truly killing my mood! I am being miss negative and I am generally not like that! NEED TO GET MOVING again.
I have a hike this weekend and hopefully I can get out on Gina or get in a run on Sunday.
Have a great weekend!
Looks like another beautiful trip! Enjoy your free time :)
Looks like they short changed you. There is "The Wall" at the end of Calaveras Road. There is also Welch Creek Road to the side.
Another great ride in the bank and that's a great photo of you, you're smile says it all!
Check out the Garmin Quick Release and Handle Bar Mount, way easier then looking at your wrist.
you are looking great on the bike there lady :)
as Missy mentioned, I changed my saddle. I sat on a board that gave my ass-size a color code, i then went to the wall of seats and picked one out. A very flattering event (NOT) but so worth the money and embarrassment. Hope you have a great hike with my best-buddy-Boomer! I totally understand the slump, but i may have made my way out of it! Hope you do too! Hang in there :) Hugs
i've been in a slump since GLEE finished! can't motivate, working too much, exhausted, lost my mojo and have lost the ability to blog!!! I understand!!
Great ride by the way!!
That looks like a nice ride!
Beautiful ride! Thanks for sharing the pictures! I have nohing like this around my house.
Wow. The scenery makes the ride all the better! Just stunning!
The three of you look rather colorful together!
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