I heard something on the news last night that made my jaw drop and stay that way for probably a full minute.
"The average woman in America is now a size 14".
A size 14? Seriously?
A size 14 is kind of up there in the women's size charts. The store I work in sells sizes 2-16. I can tell you right now, size 14 is not the size that needs to be restocked the most often. For almost every woman I know, if they were a size 14, that would be an unhealthy size for them. I am not skinny by any means, never have been. I have been a size 12 and that was BIG (for me). I can't imagine being a size 14.
I do know that some women are on the tall side and sometimes have to wear a larger size than me but are thinner than me. I get that. I also know some women that are six inches taller than me but wear the same size as me or even smaller. So, does this news mean women are getting taller, or are they really getting bigger?
Is it the part of the country I live in that I just don't see size 14 as "average" around here? Is it the lifestyle I live that I just don't run into them? Are clothing manufacturers making their sizes smaller so women are actually having to wear a larger size? I remember a few years ago when the average woman was a size 10. If we keep at it, think what the number will be in the next few years. It seems like a shame to me. It doesn't have to be this way.
ON THAT NOTE...........................
I had to work a baby four-hour shift (in the middle of the day) today and all I kept thinking was, I seriously need to get some type of exercise in today! I was torn between taking Ellen out for a spin and burning lots of calories in a short time, or taking Boomer out for a run in the hills burning less calories in more time.
I chose Boomer!!!!
Until later.............
its nice to be ABOVE average!!
but..I hope thats not the average, b/c then you have to assume that with childhood obesity as high as it is that in years to come that AVERAGE will be bigger!
your pics and your puppy are adorable as always!
It's amazing and depressing what we are prepared to accpet as the 'norm', there's a list as long as your arm of the contributing factors.
Fundamentally obesity is a socio-economic problem; bad food is cheap and is plentiful supply.
I remember the excitement of the first McDs coming not to my town but to one we could drive to in the UK, but back then it was a treat and was actually quite expensive, now it's alomost the norm and is virtually given away!
I can tell you we see that a lot in this area. I think it is the lifestyle of certain states/regions.
I know a few people that actually think Pizza and Hamburgers are nutritious foods that can be eaten whenever. -Seriously?
Your pup is sweet.
The CDC published stats from 2006: 67% of adults are overweigt or obese, 34% are obese. I'm sure it's higher 3 years later.
I think it varies greatly regionally. I've been to Cali 3 times and didn't noticed many overweight people. Here in the Northeast, overweight is the majority.
I'm guessing the 'average' shopper at REI is not the 'average' american. Think about it a little.
Just sayin'
Hey, it's just everyone beefing up to get on the Biggest Loser :)
You and Boomer always have a blast!
Check this out wrt your "average"
this will explain the sad state of the North American obesity..
I have been a 14 most of my life...now a 10-12 I am HAPPY!! I know many many tall gals, or people with a few extra pounds who are 14's and up. I would in no way consider a 14 a size for "obese people." But is is really hard for me because at 6'0 tall I don't know what shorter people look like in a size 14.. You want to find people who are obese or above average the size would be well above a 14 or 16..
GReat pictures as always
When I worked in retail a gazillion years ago, the average size was a 12, and back then it was a smaller 12 than it is now. I talked about this on my blog once and someone, not a regular reader, jumped all over me because I called it vanity sizing. In my mind it is vanity sizing. Sure, size is all relative, but who are we kidding?
It was 80 degrees and muggy in your area? That's toasty for up there!
isn't it terrible? fat ass america. that's us. you may not see it as much because you live in CA but here in the midwest the typical woman looks to be about a size 18. i am not kidding. we have so much obesity it's sickening. i used to be a size 14 when i was coming off dope cuz all i did was eat. i was 160lbs. now i am a size 6 and weigh 150lbs. lean muscle mass is the key. america needs to wake up and grab a grapefruit instead of mcdonalds cheeseburger.
It's a sad thing, what can be accepted as normal. Sigh.
I think I wore some size 14 for a bit, but I was quite over weight for me. I am only 5'5" - I was like 170 lbs back then. Not nice on my short self! I now am usually in the 10s sometimes an 8. I am in the need to lose 10lbs category. Although I do have quite a bit of lean muscle. Clothing sizes make no sense and vary from store to store or manufacturer. I think people are larger. But really obese people are wearing clothing sized much higher....
That photo of you and boomer is the best! Both look so HAPPY!
I would guess that 14 would be average in the south. It's baaad down here, disgusting, really. I would also say that obesity is not just socio-economic in the States - it's a function of lazy. People don't want to cook any longer. That's a fact. Oh, and sizes HAVE changed. What was an 8 is now a 6 and so on...just to make us feel better? What? Yep, believe it.
The obesity epidemic is sad. Here in PA, there are a lot of women who look like they would not be able to walk across your favorite bridge-- they are that wide. The Bay Area does seem to have a lower percentage of larger size people, seemingly going along with the higher percentage of people seen actively exercising outdoors. The consistently nice weather along with a different mentality/lifestyle choice fuels that difference, I believe. Seeing another cyclist on the road on a weekday around here is a head-turner---and we live in what is considered to be an "outdoor lover's" locale!!
Thanks for the pics...I really miss living in CA. Have fun, Ann
So you like Apple Fritters and coffee? I'm beginning to like you despite the fact your a Giant's fan.
I do a lot of business travel all around the country and agree with what others say. I've been to some places where my old 250 lb frame was slender.
The reason why? You saw that plate of food from Roscoe's? Everything at Roscoes was fried and large quantities. And the wait was 30 mintues to get in at 2 PM! BTW - those were fried chicken livers (yum!). Hey - I figured I was on my feet for 5 hours - I deserved them (plus it was good for 3 meals).
And thank *you* for taking the time to read my report. I actually enjoy putting them together. Kind of like my diary.
I miss a puppy like Boomer but i have the lady cat Gioconda, a devon rex.
it's very sad... i remember reading somewhere that sizing has changed over the years too, but it still doesn't change what has become an issue over the years. A few more sleeps!!! :D
just found you and wanted to say hi.I love all of your pictures!! Yu look fantastic and your dog is a sweety! I am a runner too so stop on by
Oh I meant to say that I think woman our age that don't exercise do wear larger sizes.I used to be a sz.14 Yuck!!!! Not anymore or ever again
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