I showed up at 7:00 a.m. to help with check in that started at 7:30. Victoria was kind enough to try and maneuver me through the streets of San Francisco via cell phone.
People began showing up right at 7:30. I was working with Sarah, checking in the 24 hour runners. I was listening to the different attitudes of the runners. Some were really excited while others were really nervous. Closer to the start time, they started taking off their outer layers and applying sunscreen. We could already tell it was going to be a warm day.
At 9:00, they were off. Wendell and Sarah's son, Aaron, led everyone around the first lap. This wasn't like a ceremonial thing, he was just FAST. We set up the aid station immediately because 1.06 mile doesn't take long to run and believe it or not, these people wanted aid right away. By 10:00, people were feeling the heat and some appeared surprised by it. I think when people sign up for a run like this (San Francisco in October), they don't expect heat to be a factor. Victoria and I walked a lap together after I walked a lap by myself at 1:00. I tried to give some encouragement to a guy from Orange County that was struggling a little. When I got home I continued to send him some emails and I was pleased to see he stuck it out for the entire 12 hours. I also saw that Mike accomplished his goal of 50 miles and Catra reached her 100 mile goal. For (preliminary) race results, you can check out Webcast .
I was so happy to hang out with Victoria for the whole day. It was hard to believe she was moving so well considering she just got her cast off on Wednesday. I'm hoping she and I will be able to run together, with our furry kids, in the near future. Rick Gaston was helping out with parking in the morning and then he hung out with Wendell in the (timing, email, etc.) booth for most of the day. He was actually staying through the night. He talked to me about my IT Band issue and gave me suggestions that will hopefully make for a successful recovery.
If all goes well, I will be one of "those silly people running 'round and 'round and 'round" next year.
I had a great time too-- just got back from the gym, in preparation for our future running with the puppies!
Thank you SO MUCH for being there! I was one of those silly 24 hr people out to see what would happen. I ended up being able to run most of each of 89.6 miles (slowly to be sure). I was so impressed and grateful to the volunteers. You all were so sincere in trying to help us, having to decipher our mumbled, incoherent requests. In years to come, it is your efforts that I will remember most about this experience. THANK YOU.
Thank YOU leggersheri, for your great appreciation. And congratulations on your 89.6 miles. That's incredible. Honestly, it was my pleasure being out there.
Yay Victoria! I can hardly wait.
If all goes well I will be serving you at SF One Day next year. I hope that pesky IT thing goes away soon. It was great to finally meet you.
Jo Lynn. You guys kicked ass on Saturday. Just wouldn't have been the same without you. Next year I'll serve you guys.
Thanks for your encouraging emails. It was an awesome pick-me up!
Hey Mike - I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. You're more than welcome.
Leslie - Glad I could make you smile. Congratulations, by the way. You did awesome!
Hi Jo Lynn -- it was so nice to see your smiling face out there. Thanks for volunteering and the moral support. Hope your injury heals quickly, and to see you out on some trails soon. Say hi to Boomer.
Hey JoJo!
I love your blog! I definately enjoyed all your pictures and stories to go with it. I have to say my absolute favorite picture is of you and Boomer on the trail...too cute! I can't wait for the Springtime so I can hopefully go out on the trails and try to keep up with you!
Hey JoJo!
I love reading your blog and seeing all the fun pictures. My absolute favorite is of you and Boomer on the trail! I love seeing these pics because they definately inspire me to get outdoors more. Hopefully when the weather is nicer, I can try to keep up with you on the trails!
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