Thursday, July 30, 2009
Laps? Lengths? It's all new to me.
Today I swam 72 lengths, or 36 laps, or ONE MILE. I would say 85% of it was freestyle, with the other 15% being breaststroke. When I went on Tuesday, my right leg was moving but not really helping a lot because I felt like I couldn't bend my ankle very well. Today was much better. I was able to kick good with my right foot so it felt easier to move through the water.
About half way through the session, the lifeguard asked me to move from the "medium speed" lane over to the "fast speed" lane because he saw me having to wait too often at either side for people to GO and then I was catching up to them too quickly. Toward the end, I told him this was only my second day in the pool in close to 30 years. It was nice to see he was pretty shocked about this.
I went to pilates after showering and changing at the swim center. Pilates was a little more challenging today. She did different things than she did on Tuesday so that was nice. I could definitely feel my abs heating up. Thumbs up to that! ;)
I had an appointment with Floyd this afternoon. He was happy with the increased range of motion in my ankle. He did some isolated massage, ultrasound and stretching. After that, he set me up with a big rubber band (similar to ones used in pilates) and had me do three different movements with that. Then we did some balancing exercises. I mentioned I have a Wii Fit and he said the balance games on there would be a great idea. I have lots of homework to do. He wants me to strengthen BOTH ankles so I can be safer out on the trails. Just when I thought we were through, the torture came. He hooked four leads onto my ankle and sent electric stimulation to it, along with a boot wrapped around the foot that was circulating ice cold water around my entire foot. This went on for 15 minutes. I can't say I was a big fan of that procedure. We still like Floyd though. I believe he has my best interest in mind.
What's the plan for tomorrow? A swim in the morning and then a hike with Boomer before I go to work in the early afternoon.
Until later.............
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Back to the scene of the crime
The day started off very cool and overcast. I have no idea what is up with our summer here in the bay area. It was about 60 degrees when we got there. It did clear up but I never took off my long sleeves. The dogs really enjoyed the cool air. Here are just a few pictures to share.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Things are lookin' up!
I first would like to say thank you to THE BEST FREAKIN' BLOGGERS IN THE WORLD. The support and encouraging words you all left for me was awesome. Some of you even left me emails and personal messages on facebook, if you didn't respond here. Most of you made me cry like a little girl, but I think that was good. I'm so encouraged by what a lot of you said. I didn't even think about so many of the things that were brought up. I think you'll be happy to know that I'm not giving up without a fight!! Thank you all so much. It's a great relief to know I have you on my side whenever I need you. ;)
Sunday I managed to do some hiking up and around Mission Peak with my hubby. We took my next door neighbor's doggie, Sophie, along with us. Her daddy is out of town so Sophie enjoyed getting outside with Boomer. Jerry usually takes the dogs out on Sunday morning for their play date at Garin so it was nice they still got to spend time together.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Do you want the bad news, or the worst news?
I received my MRI results Friday morning. It's not a torn MCL. It's bad arthritis. Arthritis on the joint on the inside of my knee. When it can be seen on the MRI, she says, "it's pretty advanced."
Bone-to-bone. The cartilage is gone. It will not get better. It will only get worse. You won't be running anymore.
Those last five statements have been whirling around in my head every second of every hour I have been awake since I heard them. Even as I type this, my eyes tear up. I know. Silly, right?
This is not a death sentence and I understand that. It's not "the end of the world." My life is going to be a little different from this point forward, that's all. I can say that but I feel anything but. I can't joke about it. I can't make light of it.
I will never run a road marathon. I will never do a 50-miler. I will never do a 100K. I will never do another 50K.
I'm not sure if it's the actual thought of not doing these things or the thought of not being able to do these things with the people that DO do them that makes me so sad. I have made so many connections because of the running that I do. What's going to happen to those connections once I stop "connecting" with them on that level?
Yes, I have had a lot of pep talks with myself about what I still CAN do. This post is not about that though. I need to grieve about and accept the "not running" part before I can be happy and start diving into other activities. Don't worry though, I haven't climbed into a cave. I have gone on a couple of very nice hikes this weekend which is helping me process this.
Give me a couple of days (or so) and I will hopefully be back to my normal self.
Until later.............
Saturday, July 25, 2009
SF Expo with a new friend!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Your assistance, please............
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A much needed change of scenery
Monday, July 20, 2009
One down. One to go.
I drove across the bay early this morning to meet another orthopedist. First, his two assistants came in and asked me tons of questions about my ankle and the injury. It makes me wonder if doctors ever read notes from previous doctors, on patients they are seeing. It certainly would save a bit of time.
Bottom line is..............
Get the right ankle to move like the left ankle. Period! And start NOW. It is so sore and extremely tight, I cringe to think of the work I have ahead of me. He says it may take six months for it to fully heal. And that's with a lot of dedication on my part.
I have a prescription for physical therapy. I have a list of places I can get this done. I just need to choose one close to home.
I came home and took Boomer for a two mile walk around the neighborhood. I tried to do the heel to toe, normal step while walking but of course this is impossible right now. So, I walk mostly flat footed. This is what he wants to stop. I need to strengthen the ankle and be able to move it properly. After walking, I tried rolling it around a bit and stretching it. I need to be able to stand on my tippy toes eventually too. After that I iced it for 20 minutes. Then I had to take a pain pill.
This afternoon I have had some painful twitching going on. I guess that is to be expected when I'm stretching the tendons and ligaments inside there.
I'm going for another walk this evening and will stretch and ice again.
MRI on the knee tomorrow.
Until later.............
Saturday, July 18, 2009
My Cankle Udate
I believe I have convinced myself to do a triathlon. That will get me to exercise in other ways besides hours and hours of running, yet still allow me to run and enjoy my trails. When I read about some of you doing long, strenuous bike rides I think it sounds so fun (in a challenging kind of way). And when some of you talk about swimming, I think I have a lot to learn! LOL I do struggle with the idea of exercising without my dog. I know, that may sound silly to many of you but it's all I've done for almost five years now. A lot of the enjoyment I get from my running is doing it with Boomer. And he likes it so much. Sometimes I wouldn't even have gone out at all if it weren't for him. It's something I need to get over, and I know I will, in time. It will be strange at first. Maybe. (I'm thinking out loud here) Because in reality, I've never gone on a bike ride WITH him. And I haven't swam at all since I've had him. Maybe it will be easier than I think. He will still be able to run with me, I just won't run as much. Hmmmm. I guess I can be rational, can't I?!
First though, I need to get my ankle better. I have an appointment on Monday, with the orthopedist that specializes in ankles. Then on Tuesday I have an MRI for my knee. Remember the knee issue (MCL) I was having prior to the ankle episode? I'll bet you forgot all about that, huh? Well, unfortunately I haven't. But, I am ready to get back to exercising as soon as I am told I can!
The SF 1/2 marathon is a week from tomorrow. I definitely plan on going to the Expo on Saturday with Penny and we are going to have dinner in San Francisco (hopefully North Beach). As far as the race on Sunday, I seriously doubt I will be running it. DUH! However, I might start it with Penny and walk and then when she is on her way back, I can go in with her. I won't wear my number unless I think I can walk the entire course though. I don't want to miss out on meeting a few fellow bloggers on Sunday though.
I'm anxious to see what Monday and Tuesday's appointments bring. I'll keep you posted.
Until later.............
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Blogger Buddies
We went to Scott's Seafood Restaurant for dinner. The waiter kept walking by after we got our menus. I think we had them open for well over half an hour and we still hadn't looked at it. We just kept talking and laughing. We finally stopped long enough to place our dinner order. I had a shrimp louie salad and she had salmon wrapped in prosciutto, with risotto. It seemed like two minutes later, our meals arrived. The silly girl filled up on her meal and really didn't want to order dessert, but I knew for a fact I was going to. So after I ate I ordered a piece of mud pie and AKA Alice ended up ordering some bread pudding. I polished mine off (naturally). She actually let the waiter take away her plate WHILE THERE WAS STILL DESSERT ON IT!!! I'm pretty darn sure I have never done that in my life. I was stunned. ;)
I think it was two hours after we sat down, when we were finally ready to leave the table. I was shocked, the restaurant was FULL. There was less than a dozen people there when we sat down. LOL
We walked (slowly) down toward the Port of Oakland and chatted some more. It was great to listen to her in person and learn more about her. I liked how comfortable I felt with her.
Thanks AKA Alice, for agreeing to meet and sharing a very nice evening with me. I hope we will get a chance to do it again some time.
Until later.............
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Biggest "time suck"
Then, in just the past week, I discovered Facebook. Evidently I signed up on this site some time ago, but had forgotten. I recently started receiving via email, invitations from people, to "be their friend". I just ignored them because, honestly, I had no idea how Facebook worked. Well, I figured out how it works! I now have over 50 "friends" and in the past week, I have spent many waking hours on it. At first I felt like I was invading people's privacy. I got over that in just a couple of days. Now, it's new and it's FUN. As someone said to me, "it takes stalking to a whole new level." I do seem to get a bit confused when I am communicating with people on Facebook that also have blogs. Why? Because when people blog, you know them by their blog name, not their real name. Even if you do know their real name from Blogger, chances are you don't know their last name. Believe it or not, some people don't use their real name on Blogger but they do on Facebook. Like if someone sees me at a race, they will say, "hey, aren't you Single Track Junkie?" They don't say, "hey, aren't you Jo Lynn?" Sometimes I have to stop and think about who it is that's commenting on my status update, or leaving one themselves. It can drive a girl crazy!
And then there's Twitter. I haven't even looked into this one. I know a lot of people use it though. I may be wrong about this, but to me, Twitter is just a mass text message to all your "peeps". I do use text messaging A LOT but it's just a conversation between me and the person I am sending text messages to. So, isn't this like Facebook where you can post status updates? Why do some people use both Facebook and Twitter? Yes, I am naive about it.
My question to you is: Which "time suck" do you like/use the most, and why?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Ligaments, tendons & muscles, OH MY!
He described it as a tearing, ripping of the ligaments, tendons and muscles around the bone. This sprain has also gone up to the ligaments between my tibia and fibula bones in my lower leg. Yup, I did it up pretty darn good. I asked him how these ligaments, tendons and muscles heal. He said by scar tissue. The reason this one is so bad is because there wasn't enough scar tissue yet, from my sprain in May. So when I rolled it this time, everything basically "blew up." Nice! I did hear a couple "pops" when it happened.
What now? It's going to be a loooong, slooooow recovery.
I won't be able to put weight on it for at least a couple more weeks. I need to elevate it when I can. He referred me to an orthopedist that specializes in ankles. I see him on Monday.
Tomorrow will be a week since the injury and here's the foot:
Right now, the thought of running down a trail scares the crap out of me. The initial pain I felt when it happened is still so fresh in my mind. I can't even imagine doing it again. I know this feeling will go away. However, I'm seriously considering a triathlon now, kind of mix things up for a while. Swimming and biking are beginning to interest me a little bit more.
My employer (REI) has been so great to me. The schedule comes out two weeks ahead of time and most employees are trained to work in certain departments only. Some (me included) are trained to work in more than one area. My main department is clothing/footwear. I'm also trained to work customer service/cashier. When I work in clothing/footwear, I am constantly walking around on a cement floor and making a monkey out of myself in the shoe warehouse, climbing shelves to retrieve shoes for customers. Since I'm limited to what I can do for the next two weeks, my supervisor (along with some extremely generous co-workers) has been able to arrange it so I will be working customer service, even though the schedule has me working clothing shifts the next two weeks. I was very touched that they would get together and make that happen for me. Have I told you how lucky I feel to work there?
HSE Lori picked up Boomer last night and took him to the creek trail for a run. That was so nice of her. Evidently Boomer thanked Lori by finding every goldfish cracker her children had dropped under or behind the seats in her car and "took care of them" for her. ;)
Until later.............
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Another 48 down
Friday, July 10, 2009
48 Hours
I realize I got a lot of mosquito bites while I was sitting on the trail waiting for help to arrive. At least I didn't get poison oak. Some muscles (I didn't know I had) are sore from hanging onto Miguel's back while he carried me down the trail.
I've been sitting in the recliner with a black kitty cat tucked in next to me. My 17 year old Baillie Girl. She hardly ever gets quality time with me so she is taking full advantage of my situation.
I'm getting more acquainted with Facebook and making friends. Mostly friends of friends. I'm still trying to get the hang of it. There's a lot I don't know about it. I have time now to learn, don't I?
My daughter is going to take me to a movie tomorrow, while Keith is golfing. He mentioned us maybe going to one this afternoon/evening.
That's about it for now.
Until later.............
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Make it stop!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Orthopedic appointment
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Your team (almost) getting shut out?
Friday, July 3, 2009
Just so you know......
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Dissed by the doctor
I was told on Monday, by the IMD, I should avoid "high impact" exercises such as running. Being the junkie that I am, I cannot NOT go out to a park when I have a chance and the weather is BEE-U-TEE-FUL! Yesterday, I took Boomer and my daughter's dog Bella to Garin for a five mile hike.