After I published my last post, I took Boomer out to walk somewhere. I wasn't sure where I was headed, I just wanted to go somewhere quiet. I drove to the furthest staging area for the Alameda Creek Trail and headed out toward the bay. We had a nice quiet three mile walk.
The next day was my birthday and what a day I had! Keith, Sara, Sterling, Loren and I drove up to San Francisco where we met my mom and one of my brothers at AT&T Park. We were lucky enough to see the Giants win that day. I was happy with my rice krispy baseball.
It was yummy - covered in white chocolate frosting!
After the game, the five of us (minus mom and Steve) went to Coit Tower.
I had no idea you could no longer takes the stairs up the 21 stories. I was really looking forward to that. The girls were thrilled to hear we were going to be taking an elevator to the top.
Anyway, we got some great views from the top.
After we left Coit Tower, we drove down Lombard Street because Sterling had never seen it. Then we went into North Beach for pizza. It was such a great day with my family. ;)
I have accepted two new challenges for the month of June which I'm quite excited about.
This is the first one - A GREEN SMOOTHIE EVERY DAY FOR 30 DAYS! I had my first one today (apple, strawberries, banana and spinach - lots of spinach). I will be replacing my breakfast with a smoothie for the month. It wasn't bad. Honest! There are so many recipes too so I can try a bunch of different ones.
The second one is "Run 3 miles/day for the 30 days of June". I move every day anyway so this shouldn't be too tough for me to do. I figure instead of walking Boomer for two miles, I can run three miles if I need to. When I first accepted this challenge, I was under the impression we were to run the miles but now Rick says we can walk if we need to - as long as we get three miles completed every day. Today I ran five miles. NO, I don't get to carry two miles over to tomorrow either.
Now it's time for my May totals. Did May seem like it was never going to end? Look how full of exercise my calendar was. Pretty darn busy!
First I will do my accountability since my last post.
"MED2010" Accountability:
05/25 - 4 mile run, Pilates class
05/26 - 3 mile walk, "Camp24" class
05/27 - 4 mile run
05/28 - 4 mile hike, "24SET" class
05/29 - 3 mile run
05/30 - 2.5 mile walk
05/31 - 3.5 mile run
06/01 - 5 mile run, "24SET" class
May Totals:
WALK: 30 miles
RUN: 51.5 miles
BIKE: 154 miles
HIKE: 10 miles
11 CLASSES at the gym
June is looking good so far. I have a trail half marathon this Saturday, I'm riding my bike around Lake Tahoe the following Sunday and then a 25k trail run on the 19th. Bring it on!!
Until later.............
Great job in May! Sounds like June is off to a good start as well.
Glad you had a Happy birthday. :-)
That green looks disgusting;) I don't care what it tastes like!...but I may give it a try.
I loved your last post, btw. I am a stubborn one too and sometimes (on a rare occasion) I have 'give in' or fold. On those rare occasions, I've never regretted it. Such a bullhead sometimes.
Just catching up and you know, I didn't talk with my dad for over ten, we have a telephone date every Saturday morning. We both now know the importance of family.
I start trail running tomorrow night!!! I'm pretty excited and have to say a big THANKS to you for getting me interested in single track!!!
Wow, congratulations on your challenge hurdles! It really helps to count them up. June is going to be awesome!
What a great birthday in SF with your family. :) great job on all the moving- you are so consistent. Good luck with the smoothie and running challenges!
The best part has to be the color coding on your calendar of workouts. A girl after my own heart.
Love the pictures of the city! I want one of those tasty baseballs!
You were busy in May, great job! I love that 3 miles for 30 days! I want to try to do it, too! Let's see if I can!
Happy Wednesday!
Awesome stuff! I want to ride my bike around Lake Tahoe! It is so pretty there.
sounds like a GREAT birthday :)
June sounds like its going to be a great month for you too, i wish some of our races would be the same ones! we need to work on that ;)
Happy Birthday, gorgeous! I am glad you got to reconnect with your dad. It is good stuff, hard, but good stuff.
I think I will take a pass on the green smoothie everyday.
I will drive on Saturday if you don't mind. I get car sick. (I know, science teacher, asthma, motion sickness, such a nerd!) so I do better if I drive.
We will have fun Saturday, just remember, I am the real slow, not the "lying ass blogger" slow.
Glad you had a good birthday :) That rice crispy treat baseball looks amazing...yum! You kicked booty in May. Great work!
Another solid MED month and Happy Birthday!
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