Friday, July 30, 2010

Some things we can't control

I had made the decision to go to yoga this morning at 10:00 and then get a trail run in after that.  I was counting on our sucky weather to allow me to do this late morning trail run by staying foggy until the afternoon.  Boomer gave me "the look" as I got dressed in my yoga attire, grabbed my mat and walked out the door without him.  When I pulled into the gym parking lot I noticed the plethora of open parking places (very unusual for any time of any day).  As I neared the front door I saw employees standing around outside.  Bummer.  Power outage. 

I went back home and changed into my running gear (which made Boomer quite happy) and packed up my hydration pack.  I drove over to Garin/Dry Creek to my usual parking lot.  As I was pulling in I saw a white dog running around.  Soon I could see it was a Pit Bull without a collar.  Great.  I am all about helping out stray dogs.  I have rescued numerous (at least 20) dogs in the 16 years I have lived in my current house - the last one being on July 4th.  I pulled my car close to this dog and looked at him.  He looked at me and scurried away.  I pulled up close again and he did the same thing.  I finally parked and got out of my car to see if he would give me a hint of kindness.  Nope.  He did not look friendly or open to being helped.  I called the EBRPD main line and let someone know about this poor guy.  It made me very sad that I wasn't able to help him.  Since I had the two dogs in my car and it was a Pit Bull, I elected to drive up the road a few miles to Garin's main parking lot.

As I began running, I started worrying about the stray dog.  I know how vicious these dogs can be and I kept seeing the look in his eyes.  This made me not want to run too far in that direction with my dogs.  Every noise I heard in the bushes was the Pit Bull coming at me.  Every time the dogs got too far ahead of me I would panic and call them back.  So, I ended up cutting the run pretty short.  Just 2.5 miles.  Oh well.  The dogs had a great time and at least I got something done this morning. 

Yesterday I went on a bike ride with Aron.  Yay! 

She sent me a text Tuesday night, asking if there was any chance I was available Wednesday morning for a ride.  I was not happy to inform her I had to work that day but I had Thursday and Friday off.  She somehow got things together for her trip down south and made yesterday morning available for a ride with me.  We met in Pleasanton at 8:30.  I asked her if she could handle a 40-miler.  She seemed very anxious to give that a try.  I took her down Foothill to the Sunol train station.

Ellen and her new friend

From there we went on some country roads back through Pleasanton and Livermore.  The ride had a little bit of everything for her to experience and she handled it all like a champ!!  There was no tip over, even with the little blip while trying to get clipped in on a slight hill when the light turned green.  This was only her 4th ride or something like that, and her longest one so far!  Good job Aron.  Hopefully we can ride together again, before you get so good that I won't be able to keep up with you.  ;)

"MED2010" Accountability:
07/28 - 3 mile walk
07/29 - 40 mile bike ride, 1.5 mile walk, "24SET" class

Until later.............

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My head is whirling

My mind has been occupied lately with the stupid bunion surgery I'm supposed to have in a couple of months.  I don't know if my feet hurt worse because I know I'm going to have surgery or if I am just acknowledging it more now.  I know the surgery will be good for me in the long run but I'm so worried about how it's going to set me back for a few weeks.  I have this vision of myself gaining 25 pounds and losing every bit of muscle tone I have.  I worry I'm going to literally see my body turn soft.  It is freaking me out!  Honestly, I am losing sleep over this.  What I keep thinking about is "Weight bearing - one week.  In a shoe - three weeks.  Swim - four weeks.  Cycle - six weeks.  RUN - EIGHT WEEKS".  Gah!  Sometimes I feel like I want to call the doctor and say I no longer want to have the surgery.  Other days the pain is so bad I think maybe I should have them both done at the same time so I will be completely pain free.  But then I'd have to crawl everywhere for a few weeks and that would really suck.  LOL  I certainly hope I don't chicken out.

Of course I'm not slowing down at all.  I won't until I HAVE TO.

Thursday I woke up in a bad mood.  I had a lot of "stuff" to do that day and didn't have a ton of time for exercise.  I knew I needed more than a walk but didn't have time for a run.  So, I took Ellen out for a spin.  I rode up Palomares which is a six mile climb of 1,100 feet.  It did the trick, I came home in a much better mood.

That night my birth father came over for a visit.  He's moving from Utah to Oregon.  I don't see him enough since he moved from the Bay Area six years ago.  I found him when I was 22 years old.  Oooh, that sounds like a good story to save for another blog post.

I went back to work Friday and worked all weekend so I didn't get back out to the mountains until yesterday.  Boomer and I picked up Bella and went for a 4.5 mile run at Garin before going to work at 1:30.  I don't know if I'm imagining it but the leaves are looking a bit yellow for this time of year.  It was a great run.  I was thrilled to be outside. 

I still feel so blessed to have this beautiful place to run in, whenever I want to.

This morning I had hoped to go for a group ride with the Fremont Freewheelers but when my alarm went off I looked outside and it was windy and it looked cold.  I stayed in bed for a while and ended up going out by myself around 9:30.  I drove out to the Sunol train station and rode up Foothill to the Dublin grade.  On the way back I went through downtown Pleasanton.  I'm practicing riding in my drop bars to try to alleviate some of the pain I've been having between my shoulder blades on longer rides.  Any of you have advice for avoiding that pain?  I have signed up for a 100-miler next month and would like for that pain to not affect me at about mile 58!

I'm looking forward to another bike ride on Thursday (hopefully with Aron) and then a trail run with HSE Lori on Friday.

"MED2010" Accountability:
07/20 - 5.5 mile trail run, "24SET" class
07/21 - 2.65 mile walk, "CAMP24" class
07/22 - 15 mile bike ride
07/23 - 3 mile walk, "24SET" class
07/24 - 3.25 mile walk
07/25 - 2 mile walk
07/26 - 4.5 mile trail run, 1.65 mile walk
07/27 - 26 mile bike ride, 2 mile walk

Until later.............

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Where *does* the time go?

Seriously, I don't know where this last week went.  Time seems to be going by so damn fast.  I only have FIVE MONTHS left to buy all of my Christmas gifts. How will I ever get that done?! 

Sunday I worked until 5:30 and when I got home, Keith and I immediately went up to San Leandro to have dinner with friends.  We didn't get home until 8:30 and I realized I hadn't "moved" yet so I grabbed Boomer and went out for a 1.5 mile walk.  I can't be forgetting stuff like that! 

Kristi notified me quite some time ago, that on July 17th her training schedule called for a trail run.  Yippee!!  It could be 75-90 minutes long, no certain speed or heart rate - just a FUN RUN.  We like those!  I took her on one of my favorite 5.5 mile loops at Garin.  We were on the move for 80 minutes, so I did good there.  I really wish we could run together more often.  Maybe once she's not training for something, we can.  I was setting up the camera for a timed picture but when I saw how cute Kristi and Boomer looked, I decided to stay out of it. 

Saturday afternoon we went to a Giants game.  We thought we were getting there early (4:00 for a 6:05 game) so we could get a Tim Lincecum bobble head but boy were we wrong.  The line to get into every gate was literally over a mile long.  Keith and I elected not to stand in those lines but our friends did and they got one.  I was just happy to get my picture taken with two great pitchers!!  And look, Tim even let me give him a kiss on the cheek.  He's such a sweet kid. 

Outside AT&T Park, after the Giants beat the Mets

Last night I interrupted a RACCOON as he was having a free meal of dog food IN MY KITCHENWe have a dog door in the pantry for Boomer to come and go as he pleases and now apparently for a raccoon.  I was in bed reading and I heard what I thought was the cats eating.  Boomer was laying at my feet and he wasn't moving or looking like he heard anything, but to me it sounded very strange.  I got out of bed and walked down the hallway.  When I got to the kitchen, I turned on the hall light and that's when I heard the dog door swing shut.  I quickly turned on the backyard light but saw nothing.  I looked down on the floor and there were wet footprints of a raccoon and I could smell him.  I woke Keith up to tell him about it and he put the cover over the dog door.  After seeing the mess he made with the water bowl, I now know this was not his first trip to our kitchen.  This morning there was evidence the raccoon tried to get back in.  Yikes!  Keith sent me a text a little bit ago telling me someone gave him a trap so maybe we can get him relocated in a day or so.  

I just got home from a marvelous trail run with HSE Lori and Mikey.  It was 57 degrees and we actually got some drizzle while we were out.  So strange, this weather we are having here in the Bay Area.  Great running weather, that's for sure .  I felt strong on the run this morning and no doubt the cool temperatures helped.  I know the great conversation never hurts. 

"MED2010" Accountability:
07/13 - 5 mile trail run, "24SET" class
07/14 - 3.5 mile walk, "CAMP24" class
07/15 - 1 mile walk, "24SET" class
07/16 - 3.3 mile walk, Yoga class
07/17 - 5.5 mile trail run
07/18 - 1.65 mile walk
07/19 - 2.5 mile walk, Yoga class

Until later.............

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bike 4 Breath Recap

I have not been motivated to blog about this.  I don't know why. 

Did I think I would feel different after doing this ride?  Did I think I would feel cleansed of negative feelings?  Did I think I would have more loving feelings toward my mother-in-law?  I just can't figure it out. 

I'm super happy I did the ride.  I did it in her honor, from start to finish.  I thought of her often.

When I was struggling up a hill, I would think of her months of struggling with cancer.  When I was in pain, I would think of the pain she must have experienced in her final days.  When I would be short of breath, I would think of her in her final hours, breathing through a tube. 

I did have a TON OF FUN along the way though.

I'm not going to go into detail about the relationship we had or didn't have.  I will just say that I never felt like she accepted me as Keith's second wife and I never tried to break through that barrier with her.  It wasn't important to me.  But being in recovery I realize my character defects as well.  If I was able to think beyond myself back then, I probably could have (and would have) made every effort to have a closer relationship with her.  But, I wasn't.  Therefore, amends had to be made.

Stacey agreed to do this ride with me (bless this woman) the day I ran the Nitro Half Marathon with her.  For a very fun, entertaining recap of the day, please pay her blog a visit.  I cannot write anything even close to her story about the day.  She and her LA Run Buddy followed right behind me for the entire 65 miles.  They never complained about my speed or anything.  They were awesome riding buddies!  Even though she WOULD NOT reach into my top and get the bee out, she did assist in getting him out.  Oh, you don't know about that?  She can tell you all about it.  ;)

"MED2010" Accountability:
07/08 - 3.65 mile walk
07/09 - 3 mile walk, Yoga class
07/10 - 1.5 mile walk, 65 mile bike ride
07/11 - 1.5 mile walk
07/12 - 3 mile hike

Until later.............

Friday, July 9, 2010

Making amends

Tomorrow I will be doing Bike 4 Breath 100k in my mother-in-law's memory.

She died from lung cancer right at the time my addiction was getting the best of me.  I never took the time for a proper goodbye before she passed away.  Nor did I ever make the effort to have a good relationship with her while she was alive.  I will be wearing this jersey I decorated, in her honor, as I ride.  At the top is a sparrow - she loved birds. 

Until later.............

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Photos and "MED2010"

The day after my 46 mile bike ride, Boomer and I met HSE Lori and Mikey at Garin for a great 5.5 mile trail run.  I was pretty tired when we met at 8:00 and my legs were sore.  But, as usual, it was great to be out with my friend and our doggies.

Monday, Sara and I went to the Alameda County Fair.  The main reason I chose that day was because Newsboys were playing.  Yes, they are a Christian rock group.  This was the best Christian concert we have ever been to.  They were fabulous!  Of course we had to walk through the barns and look at all the cute animals. 

Yesterday, Boomer I went out for a solo trail run.  Just a short 3.25 miles but it was nice to get something in before having to go to work.

This morning I met Stephanie for a short bike ride.  I have a 100k this Saturday so I just wanted to get on the bike for an hour or so.  We ended up doing 17 miles.  Then I picked up Boomer and went out for a hike with Sara and Bella.  A very nice day.  ;)

I'm not in a very talkative mood, evidently.  This is all I have for now. 

"MED2010" Accountability:
07/03 - 5.5 mile trail run
07/04 - 2 mile walk
07/05- 2 mile walk
07/06 - 3.25 mile trail run
07/07 - 17 mile bike ride, 3 mile hike, "CAMP24" class

Until later..........

Friday, July 2, 2010

Six months - GONE for good

Today I accompanied Stephanie on her 50-mile training ride.  We were going to do it on Wednesday but she wasn't feeling too well when she woke up so we postponed it until today.  I went out for a ride by myself on Wednesday because I had already over eaten fueled up the day before, preparing for the 50-miler.  I got in 30 miles, from one end of Fremont to the other in a big loop.

We went across the bay, along 101 and up Woodside Road to Canada Road, out to Crystal Springs Reservoir.  On the way back we took Whiskey Hill and Sand Hill to Willow Road.  The ride ended up being 46 but she said she was alright with that.  It still amazes me how far you can travel in a short time on a bike.  We were very far away from where we started and it was only 22.5 miles away.

Happy to be on top of the bridge, in the home stretch.

If you can believe half of 2010 is over, raise your hand.  That's what I thought!  You don't quite believe it either, do you?  Six months GONE!  

I started the Green Smoothie Challenge on June 1st.  I love it so much I will be continuing it as long as I can.  I am going to be replacing lunch with a smoothie this month, along with the breakfast one.  Some days though, like today, it's too tough.  If I can't do the lunch one, that will be okay.  But breakfast will continue to be a smoothie.  The energy it gives me is amazing.  Sometimes I can feel it immediately, almost like a rush.  I want to see if adding a second one will help eliminate some more belly fat.  Yes, eliminating peanut M&M's from my diet would help in that too but I can only do so much!

I am very happy to report I have MOVED EVERY DAY (SO FAR) IN 2010!!  At this point, I can't imagine NOT doing something every day.  Yes, I do have a very addictive personality and form habits fast.  But when I form a good habit, it's a blessing.

"MED2010" Accountability:
06/29 - 3.5 mile trail run, "24SET" class
06/30 - 1.65 mile walk, 28 mile bike ride, "CAMP24" class
07/01 - 1.5 mile walk
07/02 - 46 mile bike ride

How did June add up?  Pretty great!  I really picked up the slack of not being able to run by doing everything else.  Still quite a few miles on my feet.

Walking:  48.25 miles
Running:  35.1 miles
Hiking:  15.25 miles
Biking:  236 miles!!
17 classes at the gym

Just as my last post ended - Boomer and I are looking forward to running in the mountains tomorrow morning with Lori and her dog Mikey.  Even with everything else I do, this is what I look forward to the most.  Single track.  Lots of single track.

Until later.............