Finally, a nice warm day again - perfect for a run in the mountains. It was
Garin today, for 5.5 miles. That makes us extremely happy!

My daughter is in Chicago with her boyfriend, visiting his family so guess who's staying at grandma's house? Bella!!!

She loves it here, no doubt about it. She gets to go on all the walks, hikes, and runs that we go on. Oh, and the home cooked meals too.
They just finished clearing some cattle off this trail for me.

This is the second biggest snake I've ever seen. The biggest one I've seen was on top of Mission Peak. He was about five feet long. This one looked like he was holding a dozen mice inside of him. I'll admit it, he gave me the creeps. The dogs got leashed until we got down to lower ground after spotting him. I'm not taking any chances.

I am not running near the mileage I was a year ago but today I was thinking how grateful I am that I can run ANY amount of miles at all. It was almost a year ago I was told,
"You probably won't be running any more. You have severe arthritis in that knee, bone-to-bone, no cartilage left." I thought my life had come to an end. But look! I've realized I like to do so many other things and I am stronger today than I was back then. Don't get me wrong, running is where my heart still is and being on the trails is where I'm happiest. Hands down!! I've just become more appreciative of running and I make every run matter. I don't run just to get a mile in. I run because I want to. And I run where I want to. I never know when those words from the doctor are going to become a reality. I think all the cross training is helping out immensely. When I was running every day, I never took the time to do any other kind of activity. I guess I can say that finding out about my arthritis is a blessing in disguise now.
"MED2010" Accountability:
04/27 - 2 mile walk
04/28 - 2 mile walk
04/29 - 2 mile walk, "24SET" class
04/30 - 5.5 mile trail run
April totals:
Walking: 20 miles
Hiking: 14.5 miles
Biking: 151.5 miles
Running: 44.5 miles
12 classes at the gym
Until later.............
Your snake is definitely bigger than mine. Looks like we will have a few more weeks of green this year.
I am wondering when some sort of cartilage replacement will be invented.
Being able to run any distance is a blessing.
What a beautiful day! We've been starting the overcast mornings down here in SoCal.
Thanks for your comment yesterday! You were right on about the difference between road and trail running. I love the idea of pacing myself so I get to the next aid station *before* it closes. Much more my style!
That was one fat snake. Do you think it needs some exercise? :)
We are having wonderful days in Bay Area now, don't we?
I like your attitude towards running. When I get in a training mode I know I obsess too much over miles, times and then I stop liking the process. I need to relax, that's it.
Creepy snake. The dogs look happy though. So do you. :-)
What a great month! I am so happy for you that you are able to run in a healthy safe way. You do not have to run 15 miles to enjoy the beauty of the trails and happy dogs!
You look so great! If you weren't so f-ing fast I would say we need to meet up with our boy Garin :).
Take care!
Ok, that comment looked a bit creepy. When I said she was looking great I was not hitting on her.
I mean, come on she is WAY out of my league ;)
you lost me at the snake-I seriously hate snakes and couldn't read anymore because I was obsessing about the snake...nasty!!!
I'll be back up in July for SF, but I'm going to "try" to come up early so maybe I can run with you and RBR....
I love the shot of Bella and Boomer it looks like they are having a conversation about the trail or the view. Gotta love happy dogs!
You have an excellent attitude! I agree that the non running things you have been doing are great. I want to come out there and cycle with you. Maybe one day!
Just looks so beautiful there! Wow. The pups are super cute too but I can't say the same about that snake! ICK! :-)
Gah! Snake! Just one reason I am scared to run on trails. :(
The pups look like they had a fun time with you!
Stumbled across your blog and I love your pictures, it looks like a great place to run. Except for the big creepy snake, which instantly turns me into a shrieking little girl.
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