I remember the days when I would blog a lot more than once a week! I guess if I slowed down a little bit, I could blog more.
I'm not sure it's worth it.
LOLI was able to run with Lauren and her kids before she moved to Texas. We met Tuesday afternoon, the day before the movers came to pack up her house. It was nice to see them one more time but also sad. I hate goodbyes. I wish them a lot of luck. For those local readers, this is another
NUMMI family leaving the area.
When we all got to the parking lot, Lori and Mikey got out of their car and the dogs started running around. We were all chatting and getting ready to take off when suddenly I realized Boomer was nowhere to be seen. I called him and whistled for him. I kept listening but didn't hear his collar at all. I started looking toward the street and in different parts of the parking lot, thinking maybe he was going potty or something. After a few minutes, I passed by Lori's car and there he was - he was sitting in the passenger seat of her car, just looking at me. Lori (who has two young children) says, "well, he knows there's lots of food in those seats!"
Lori, Lauren, Sue, Me. Huck & Helen up front.

Friday morning, I overslept and didn't make it to my 9:00 to 10:30 class. OOPS! Keith had gone golfing early and I had to be at work at 1:00. I looked at Boomer and said,
we're going to go play! We took off and headed for the hills for a run. Neither of us could have been happier about this.
Garin was just beautiful that day. I took one of my normal routes, but did it in reverse.

A different time of day, a different direction - the same places take on a whole new look.

Yes, I run in a place this beautiful! How could you stay away from running if this was where you ran? Not easily!!

This morning Ellen and I met up with the
Fremont Freewheelers for a 40 mile ride. We started in Niles and did the canyon,
Calaveras into
Milpitas, and Mission back. Over 30 people showed up, all different speeds. We stopped for a coffee break in
Milpitas, where I had a protein shake. Including the coffee stop, we were out for a little over 3.5 hours. I was very happy with the pace and minimal regrouping today.
I decided before climbing
Calaveras that I was not going to shift into my smallest ring today. I just pretended it wasn't there. I pedaled hard, stood up when I needed to and just kept moving. I never used my "granny gear". I was so proud of myself. Sometimes it was hard, but I did it. And, I wasn't in the back of the pack either!

This is a Bald Eagle's nest, on top of the tower. There is a family in there right now. A bunch of people were parked up on
Calaveras with big cameras taking photos. You could see the white tops of their heads. It was such a treat to see this. If you enlarge the photo, you can see them too!

Here is a very FULL
Calaveras Reservoir. Another treat to see, here in the Bay Area - a full

Tomorrow morning I am joining some friends for a Blogger Meet-Up Run. Some people I know but there's going to be some new ones too! Should be fun.
"MED2010" Accountability:04/12 - "Step 'N' Sculpt" class, 2 mile walk
04/13 - 4.5 mile run, "24SET" class
04/14 - 2 mile walk, "CAMP24" class
04/15 - "24SET" class
04/16 - 4 mile trail run
04/17 - 40 mile bike ride