I got to run with a new blogger buddy today! This time it was Rene' @
Run Rene Run....

I have met Rene' once before, at the SF One Day I volunteered at in October. She ran to Crissy Field that day so we could meet in person. We got to chat a little and she invited me to join her on the Coastal Trail for a run in the future.

Today was that day! She went for a swim in the cold bay water this morning so we agreed on meeting at The Presidio at 1:00 this afternoon. It started off as a clear beautiful day, 51 degrees. From The Presidio we headed down to Baker Beach where Boomer got some off-leash time.

After Baker Beach we ran through a
very nice neighborhood Rene' told me was called "Sea Cliff". Super nice homes with gorgeous views of the ocean and the Golden Gate Bridge. This neighborhood led us to Lands End where the trails got a little bit more narrow but also gained quite a few steps.

We ran down to the old Sutro Baths, along some very steep cliffs. I actually had to leash Boomer at this cliff because it was straight down and he was being a little curious.

I see a heart in the middle of those rocks. Do you see a heart?

We turned around when we got to the Cliff House Restaurant at Ocean Beach.

This is when the rain started coming down. Not terribly, but enough to have Boomer stop and wipe his face with his paw a few times.

Even though I kept Boomer on a leash for about 75% of the eight mile run, he was such a good boy and had a great time. He didn't care for the waves crashing on the beaches but other than that, he was so happy being out on the trail with us.
So, another successful blogger meet-up in the books for me. AND, another friend to add to my list. Rene' is so comfortable to be around. Since I haven't been running a lot lately I knew I would be slower than her but she made it seem like that was no big deal. I could run when I felt like it and hike when I needed to. She made it enjoyable by being so kind. She's so darn cute too! I was shocked to find out she is closer to my age than I thought. She looks about 15 years younger than me for God's sake!
Lucky for me she swims and cycles too so that will give us a chance to enjoy some other activities together as well. Thanks Rene', for showing me such a beautiful trail and spending time with me and Boomer. ;)
Until later.............
Just amazing shots!
Wow, super nice place to run. And NO snow!!
Wow, did we run that? The photos are amazing. It was great to slow down the pace and chat, and I miss running with my dog so running with Boomer was a treat. We may not live in Sea Cliff but we can run there. ;-)
Very nice pictures. I have done portions of that, but now you have me wondering how much more there is that I haven't explored.
Awesome pics...and sounds like a great time....
Ooo, that's the trails I run when I don't want to cross the bridge. Nice yah? Love that place.
Beautiful pics JoLynn, and I saw the heart!! I miss SF so much seeing those pics, and you and Boomer too!!! :D
Great pics, very dramatic coast line, proof that the grass is always greener!
Great pictures Jo Lynn. Northern California certainly has Southern Cal trumped in the scenery department!
Nice pics...love the heart. I miss temps in the 50's :(...it's the 20's here--and you thought it was COLD that morning at Rodeo Beach--LOL!! Happy New Year, Ann
Great pics and glad to see Boomer in there too, I've missed him;)
Looks like a great year for you with lots of new bloggy peeps. I love that.
Happy New Year.
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