I was driving up the freeway this morning with a big smile on my face. The song
Oh Holy Night came on and for some reason it started me reflecting on my life right now and how blessed I truly am. I have great friends in my life. I have a wonderful job. I have a family that loves me, regardless of all the hell I put them through when I was young and stupid. I have a Mom that tells me constantly how proud she is of me. I have a husband that loves me and respects me, he doesn't restrict me or try to stifle my "spirited" personality. I have a relationship with my daughter that I think a lot of mothers and daughters would love to have.
I hope you have many reasons to smile today too!! ;)So, why was I driving up the freeway this morning? I was meeting Aron in Berkeley so I could take her to Rodeo Beach for her first trail run. Yippee! It was very, very chilly. The sun was shining but the wind, which you can't SEE here, was whippin' and it was a cold one.

The RDs had to change the course due to one of the trails being closed for maintenance. I wasn't sure how it was going to be different for us doing the 8k because I had never ran the 8k here before. We ended up having to just do an out and back on a fire road. 2.35 miles up and 2.35 miles down. All open roads, no single track trails. :( Not my idea of showing someone what trail running is all about.

This was the closest we got to a single track trail, right along side the road:
I was a bit saddened by the course change but there wasn't much we could do about it. On the way there this morning, Aron and I had just talked about how we didn't like "out and back" courses. LOL
Aron did so great, as I knew she would. We walked the second section out the "out" part because it was a climb but I have no doubt at all she could have run up it. I think she is definitely light enough and a strong enough runner where she would be able to hop right on up that hill.
If ultra-running is in your plans Aron, I think you should go for it. Don't be afraid. I'm going to say right now, I think you would be a leader in the field if you were to some day soon enter a 50k. I'm just sayin'.
We finished in one hour and a few seconds. We hung around for just a few minutes (because it was so cold) and then I drove her back to her car. We were able to talk more and I am so thrilled to know Aron a little bit more now. She is such a sweetheart of a girl. I smile as I type that, just so you know. A real sweetheart!!! I get to add her to my list of "great friends" and one more reason to feel so blessed in my life.
Aron has a few days off during the holidays so I am going to try like heck to get her out to Chabot or Redwood Park (with the doggies) for some REAL trail running in the next couple of weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Until later.............