Sunday, September 6, 2009

A thing of the past?

Blogging. Has it become a thing of the past with people, now that Twitter and Facebook is so popular? Or is it just me? I recall a year ago when I first started reading blogs and people updated their blog almost daily. Then when Fall came, I started my blog and updated as often as possible. I really enjoyed the commenting, both on my blog and being able to do it on other's. I started following people and suddenly found that I too, was being followed. I liked being able to "check in" with my blogging buddies and knowing they were "checking in" with me. I always considered blogging as kind of a "conversation" back and forth. You'd write, I'd comment. You'd comment back. And, so on..... It seems to me that more people are spending less time on Blogger these days? Agree? Not agree? Just curious.

I went back to Quarry Lakes one more time this past week. I decided to take a few pictures this time. ;)

There were three lifeguards there and one couple sunbathing. I decided I would wear my two-piece bathing suit so I could at least get a tan while I slowly waded into the water.

This picture shows what the roped off areas look like.

I talked to a girl that is training for the Pacific Grove Triathlon next weekend. She was wearing a wetsuit. Smart girl! I stayed in the area that is about 60 yards long, where I could touch in areas if I wanted to. I was able to swim further without stopping this time. I didn't feel as confident as I did the day before but I just kept at it. I was in awe of this older lady that was in the deeper 120 yard area. She was just going back and forth, back and forth, with her head out of the water the entire time, doing freestyle. She looked so relaxed. She was enjoying her time out there in the deep, dark water. God, I hope I'm like that in time for my triathlon.
Friday I went to the pool at 6:45 a.m. to get a swim in before work. I jumped in the fast lane and began my warm up. I quickly realized I was a tad slower than the other two people in that lane. I ended up doing speed drills. I did 20 50's with (probably too much) recovery in between. My arms were very sore the rest of the day. That night my legs felt pretty fatigued. I should try to do that more often I guess.
Boomer and I met Christy yesterday morning for a very enjoyable five mile hike at Garin. We did a bit of running, mostly the downhill portions. It was so nice to see Christy and catch up on a month's worth of STUFF. A month can go by very fast, if you let it.

I bought a Pilates DVD at work and put that in after my hike. This way I can do Pilates more than just the two days a week my gym offers it.
I've been working a TON these last few days. Our big sale ends tomorrow. WOOHOO! I can hardly wait. My patience for stupid people ran out about four days ago!!
Have a happy Labor Day everyone.
Until later.............


Aka Alice said...

I spend about the same amount of time blogging as I used to, but now I spend time on FB as well... I kind of see my blog as a place that I write in detail (maybe too much?) about life, and FB is just for short updates and checking in with people.

I do spend much less time watching TV, that's for sure.

For me these past two weeks, I've been absent on both the blog and FB, but that's the nature of a semester starting for me.

I'm laughing at your patience for stupid people running out...

Dan said...

I have NO patience for stupid people at all!!

sneakersister said...

A thing of the past? Never! I love blogging, reading blogs, ... Don't stop. I love your blog and all your awesome pics.

Unknown said...

I only update my facebook status about once a day (or less) and still blog every few days. They don't serve the same purpose for me...

I think you'd have more confidence in open water if you, too, wore a wetsuit. Is that still an option for you before the weekend?

Unknown said...

I only update my facebook status about once a day (or less) and still blog every few days. They don't serve the same purpose for me...

I think you'd have more confidence in open water if you, too, wore a wetsuit. Is that still an option for you before the weekend?

Oscar Yeager said...

I think Twitter is the one that is more of a fad.

But then again, I've seen some articles lately with people claiming the Internet itself is "boring," compared to the early attraction days.

It seems like practicaly yesterday that everyone and their uncle was on AOL, now they give their software away for free, moved to an ad-based revenue business model instead of subscription based, and still can't get as many users and ad-clickers as they once had.

P.S. - Nice little lake you've got there.

Iris said...

I've lost interest in FB. I'd rather read about people's adventures. Keep posting - I'm motivated by your tri prep!

René said...

It seems much easier to float in the ocean in a wetsuit than doing deep pool or lake swims for me. It's like the ocean is trying to pop you back out of the water! But being able to see underwater must be fun. A swim cap and earplugs can keep your head warm, at least. As far as internet goes, I like doing the weekly recap with the blog and daily updates with twitter. I rely on other athlete's blogs for inspiration and information, so thank you for yours. Very few running friends on FB so don't spend much time there. It's mostly to keep up with family and school buds. I don't have a TV so try to spend most of my time outside playing!

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

I keep busy on Blogger and Facebook...what has died is my Myspace addiction now that sire is DEAD!! I like to comment and have people reply via comment on my Blog, I have a hard time returning to a Blog I have already commented on..TOO BUSY..

GReat pictures..

Irene said...

The past couple of weeks have been busy for me, so blogging has been sparse, but it should return to normal THIS week. I find that any type of forum will have it's high times and low times. Most of it is seasonal.

Ditto on the stupid people quote! Too funny.

Southbaygirl said...

well lets see...if I could comment on peoples blogs with my stupid Blackberry, I would comment alot more-but for some reason it wont let me leave comments. of course the stupid trackball has died again so I have a half assed Blackberry and it makes doing anything a tad harder....but for some reason Twitter and Facebook work GREAT on my phone! I use those two for short bursts-Facebook is really for people I haven't seen in ages, I'm finding Twitter is alot of running and dog/cat people (for me) but I love blogging and writing in depth about my running, or lack of it as the case may be! I just can't seem to post comments on other peoples blogs-which really pisses me off since i work ALL THE TIME and I do everything on my phone that is half assed yet again...I think I'm on my third BB...might be time for an iPhone....

MJ said...

For me it's a function of the season.... I am way more busy in the summer. My reader is always in the hundreds (of unread blogs) and I post less too....

I am on twitter and it is kind of fun and easy but I do it mostly as a way to have a fresh bit of content on my blog and on facebook (I have them all linked.)

With the triathlon season ending and kids back in school I'll be blogging more and reading more soon. I wouldn't be surprised if that is the same for a lot of the people you are following/are following you.

On the swimming: keep at it. Swimming is a LONG project compared to running, biking etc. If you aren't feeling too comfortable for the tri you can always wait 30 seconds after the gun - let everyone go and thrash away... then stroll into the water and begin your race. Net loss: 30 seconds. Gain: you don't freak, swallow water, get kicked, lose your goggles, etc. etc.


Aron said...

I love blogging and definitely am keeping that up... I am not a daily updater though :) I definitely use all 3 things for different purposes though.

my google reader would also argue with you that people havent been updating their own hehe. I NEED MY HOME COMP BACK!!!!

love the pics :)