Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm done obsessing

About everything! 

How many calories I consume.

How many calories I burn.

How much I weigh every morning.

How much I weigh every night.

How many fat grams I ate today.

How many grams of fiber have I had.

How much water have I drank.

Shall I go on????

I'm sick of all of it! 

I am way too active to ever become what I consider overweight.  Yes, I love my sweets but I'm also smart enough to exercise a little harder when I over indulge.  I have a certain number on the scale that I refuse to get over, I think we all do.  I think weighing myself every morning is reasonable but I don't need to see how much food or liquid is sitting in my body every night prior to going to bed.  I haven't had to "diet" in four years.  I pretty much have the balancing act figured out.

I am still very diligent about my "Move Every Day" commitment but I don't feel the need to put it on the bottom of every blog post any longer.  I have it on my calendar where I can see it and I am happy with that.

I'm not "training" for anything right now and don't see anything in the near future that I will *need* to train for.  I basically go for a ride when I want to and get out for a run as often as I can.  Both activities make me very happy and work my entire body and give my heart a workout as well.  I will admit I enjoy cycling with friends better than alone but running with Boomer is really all I need.  Sure I record how far I ride or run but I don't stress anymore about how long it takes me.  I'm thrilled that I am able to get out and cycle or run and that's all there is to it.  And then there's hiking too.  I like hiking, always have.  If a non-running friend asks if I want to go for a hike, I can and will say yes.  I don't need to always run when I'm on a trail!

I don't want to throw the "age" card in here but it looks like I'm going to anyway.  I'm 47 years old and I'm pretty sure I do a lot more than the average 47 year old does.  I am learning to embrace that (my being 47 years old) and appreciate myself and the awesome body I have.  No, not awesome in *that* way.  I mean the fact that my body is so awesome, it still allows me to be as active as I want to be.  And it does it with minimal discomfort.  Very minimal discomfort.  For that I am grateful.

Instead of constantly staring at the flaws on my body, I am trying to look at positive things.  Why obsess about one little thing and have that be my focus every time I look in the mirror?  It seems almost cruel to do that.  I feel much better when I point out the positives.  I'm far from perfect but I'm as perfect as I'm supposed to be right now.

I'm ready to let go of these chains that limit me in so many different ways.  I'm ready to live life the way it's supposed to be lived - Happy, joyous and free.

I just hope I can. 

Until later.............


Char said...

I know exactly where you're coming from.Years of being negative in the mirror, years of being careful. I had an interesting chat with a younger friend a week ago and it allowed me to see myself through her eyes and she can't see any of the flaws that are so obvious in mine.

Dan said...

Life is short. Live it, don't count it.

Johann said...

Go for this! Enjoy life and forget about the rest. It is like running without watching the time. Much more enjoyable and free.

Unknown said...

You are awesome just the way you are. I vote for more moving and enjoying and less counting and stressing.

A Prelude To... said...

Jo Lynn!!!!! I could have written this post myself some time back. Ever since I quit logging my calories and trying to make sure my macros were in the right % in relation to each other and quit getting on the scale (I haven't been on it in 8 months I believe)...LIFE IS SO MUCH BETTER.

I'm 43. I feel like I'm 23, but looking in the mirror too much was making me realize that I'm NOT REALLY 23. So I quit looking in the mirror, too :-)

Now I feel fantastic. I know that I'm working out hard, I know that I'm eating pretty healthy and I'm coming to terms with being happy being the REAL me. I have to say it's WONDERFUL.

I wish only THE BEST for you!


You young whipper snappers...
Oh to be 47 again...
I remember the days..I think (that might have been last century??)

Now, if you will excuse me,
I need to go weigh myself
Before I count my lunch calories
And put in a 5 mile run...

Ewa said...

Love, love your attitude BUT do look in the mirror. You are one hot chick.

RunningLaur said...

You can do it!
You've done so much, and done so incredibly well, you've set yourself up perfectly to be successful without all of the extra 'bothers' - more time for fun :)

jen said...

I fucking love you.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...


I usually say I am 26, 15 times. Simply because I feel closer to my 20s than I do to my 40s. I do try to look at the positives about how I look and what I can accomplish. My kids see and hear the way I handle each passing year and I want them to know that they are not getting older they have simply had another year in which to get better. It's their job to make sure that's how they (we all) use the time.

René said...


AshleyR said...

I love all that you said! Perfect!

Kris said...

Love this post JL! And...hopefully someday I'll get there too. I alternate between thinking, "I really need to clean up my diet to lose those last few pounds" and "I work out A LOT, I should be able to enjoy a treat now and then!" I wanna be just like you when I grow up. ;)

Judi said...

i love love love this post. im so with ya girl. and you know, you dont look 47. you look 27. and you are awesome. happy joyous and free is what its all about. and we are lucky to have the discipline and the courage to go ride, run, swim, hike, whatever we want. and the body that takes us there. XO!

Molly said...

In case you don't see my reply to you on my blog (your post didn't have an email address attached), yes it's me that runs the Lipson Ride in honor of a family friend. http://lipsonridefordiabetes.com/

kristen said...

I saw your comment on jen's (creating space) commnet and I had to come over and see what she said :)

Glad i did. Great post. I've totally been extra obsessive lately. WHY?! Some days I'm all over it, some days I'm thinking, "life is too short." Usually when it starts to consume me I need to back off the reality tv.

kristen said...

also love the name of your blog!

Drs. Cynthia and David said...

Way to go Jo Lynn! Obsessing is so not necessary.

Glad you are enjoying life to the fullest with friends and Boomer.


Stuart said...

I'd say you found the balance...nice work!

Lily on the Road said...

Right ON Sista!!

We, the Royal We, do enough, actually MORE than enough for people our age and YES, I'm much older than you.

So, continue to be Happy, joyous and free.