Friday, May 20, 2011

Dear Blog,

Dear Blog (aka Single Track Junkie),
     I have neglected you for quite a while now.  Please know this is not intentional and most importantly, it's not your fault.  Yes, it's me, not you.  You are not the only thing I have neglected lately.  Laundry, cleaning has also been ignored.  If you asked him, my husband would probably say he's on that list too.  :-/

     I have not really done anything exciting in the past few months.  Sure, I trained for and completed my first big cycling event in April and my first century two weeks later.  The training rides were great and I have made a lot of new friends, which I'm grateful for. 

     I've been running, but not a ton and they're usually uneventful so I don't do a blog post about them.  I've been cycling more but it's very hard to take pictures while I'm riding so end up not doing a blog post about the rides. 
     The biggest reason I am neglecting you is because I am preparing for my only daughter to wed in a little over two weeks - in another country!  I've been to numerous dress fittings, spent many free days shopping for clothes and shoes and anything else we MUST have for our vacation.  We had her bridal shower and this weekend is her "Girls Day Out".  We also need to get supplies to finish up her wedding favors.  Since this is my only baby, I want to be there for every little thing that involves her wedding.  This is it for me. 

     Next week will be filled with packing, hair appointments, dry cleaning pickup, nail appointments, and more shopping, no doubt.  I've been obsessed focusing most of my time and energy on getting/staying fit for what I call "forever photos" and of course my week long vacation in Jamaica!  My last day of work will be May 26th, we leave on May 29th. 

     What I can promise you, my dear blog, is my life will go back to some sort of normalcy when I return on June 6th.  I will slow down, enjoy my trail runs and long hikes and take those beautiful photos that made people fall in love with you when I first introduced you to them.  You just have to hang tight for a little bit longer.  Deal?  Deal!

Until later then.............

MED2011 Accountability:
05/03 - 1.65 mile walk, 17 mile bike ride, 2 mile walk
05/04 - 18 mile bike ride, Body Pump, 2 mile walk
05/05 - 1 mile walk, 15 mile bike ride
05/06 - 1.25 mile walk, Bowling!
05/07 - 2 mile walk, 35 mile bike ride
05/08 - 1.5 mile walk
05/09 - 2 mile walk
05/10 - 40 mile bike ride
05/11 - 1.65 mile walk
05/12 - 1.5 mile walk, 2 mile walk
05/13 - 3.25 mile trail run, 1.75 mile walk
05/14 - 2 mile walk
05/15 - 30 mile bike ride
05/16 - 2.5 mile run, Body Pump, 1.75 mile walk
05/17 - 1 mile walk
05/18 - 1.65 mile walk, Body Pump
05/19 - 1.5 mile walk


Monday, May 2, 2011

Spike's Hike

Remember this?  Miracles DO happen!

Well, he's back and as strong as he ever was.  I still can't believe he's alive. 

Jana is living in the area for a few months which means I get to see her and the big black dogs again.

Here's a quick recap of our hike a few days ago.

Oh yay, a stick

Get it good and balanced

Oh no, I can't make it over this tiny bridge

Phew, went under it!

C'mon, there's another obstacle up there

Open, please

Up the hill we go

Still got it!

He continued to carry that darn branch until we got to the final gate.

I laughed and laughed so hard during our hike.  It was awesome.

Welcome back, SPIKE!!!

"MED2011" Accountability:
04/27 - 1.65 mile walk, Body Pump
04/28 - 2.75 mile hike
04/29 - 2 mile walk
04/30 - 2.5 mile walk
05/01 - 90 minute bike ride
05/02 - 4 mile trail run

Until later.............