I will say I was a bit disappointed in my arthritic knee that day. I'm not sure if there was just too much flat or if it is indeed getting worse. I will say the pain was a little too much for my liking. I do know on Saturday when I ran with Christy, about half of it was flat and by the end my knee was pretty much hurting with every step. I'll have to see how it feels the next time I run I guess.
At least going for a ride allowed me to feel good about baking chocolate chip cookies that night. I saw an interesting recipe Rich's blog: Sotally Tober is Runnin' to the Finish Line. He says he follows the Nestle Toll House recipe but adds 1+1+1. What does he add? One extra cup of flour, one extra egg and a small box of instant pudding mix. His favorite flavor to use is french vanilla. I cooked up a batch and I must say, they were delicious!!! I had to take a lot to work (they never complain when I bring my extra homemade goodies) and they were a big hit there as well. Give the recipe a try. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Today, Keith and I picked up Bella and took both doggies over to Isherwood staging area and walked along the Alameda Creek Trail. The sun was starting to go down as we were heading back to the car. Boomer and Bella got some really good racing in. It was cute to watch and made us laugh. That's always a great thing.

For my daughter's birthday last week, we bought her two tickets to see Wicked. Naturally we bought two for ourselves also. The tickets were for last night. We took BART to San Francisco and didn't get back home until after 12:30. I honestly don't remember the last time I was up that late. LOL She and Sterling seemed to enjoy the show a lot. We were so glad! I loved seeing it again. I still laughed my head off at Glinda. Man, she is HILARIOUS!!
For my daughter's birthday last week, we bought her two tickets to see Wicked. Naturally we bought two for ourselves also. The tickets were for last night. We took BART to San Francisco and didn't get back home until after 12:30. I honestly don't remember the last time I was up that late. LOL She and Sterling seemed to enjoy the show a lot. We were so glad! I loved seeing it again. I still laughed my head off at Glinda. Man, she is HILARIOUS!!
Our computer completely crashed a week ago. We could recover NOTHING. All of our business information is gone. GONE! All of our customer's addresses, phone numbers, contacts, A/R - GONE! That's a big hit for us. I've got some information put back in but there's still a lot to do. Gah! Not a good time for this to happen considering I have to send out Christmas cards in the next few weeks.
I can't even tell you how many times I have recited The Serenity Prayer this week. It does work! Well, along with exercise and chocolate chip cookies.
Until later.............
Ah...that just stinks about the computer crashing...GAH! What will you do?
The cookies sound yummy. I'm going to try that.
Take it easy on that knee!
ok-the cookies sound heavenly!! I will have to try them but I don't know if i'll want to share them!!
I'm sorry your knee is hurting again! that sucks!! You'll just have to run more hilly trails! Or bike more or do both!!
As for the computer-there is nothing worse, computer related, than losing info when it crashes!! I'm so sorry! I do know how you feel!!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
OH NO!!!! Sucks that you lost everything on the computer, and not good news about the knee either!
Btw, forgot to mention, I had suggested to the girls that we go see Wicked while in SF... but apparently it was here, and some had already seen it or were going :S
I smile everytime I see you post pics of Garin and talk about Boomer and the trails. Miss it all!
So sorry about that! That sucks. For the next round, get an external hard drive and back up daily/weekly - especially when dealing with business junk.
Sorry about the knee and the cookies sound killer good!
are you thinking about pedals and shoes yet for your bike? the kind you clip into? helps with hills...
also - regarding the knee. sometimes if your bike fit is wrong, it can create knee problems. has anyone checked your bike fit?
Ever since we've had a computer crash my husband has been backing up everything to another hard drive. Loosing everything is awful!
Does the weather bother your knee at all? Sometimes I feel like a barometer... I can feel a storm coming... It also makes me feel old.
Loved the pictures!
Yeah, baby! Would I have steered you wrong? Glad you liked them. Another nice thing is they microwave nicely (about 5-8 seconds) if you want them nice & gooey again, without drying out.
Sorry to hear about the knee. Hope it starts to feel better. Nothing worse than sore knees, IMO.
The hill on Paseo Padre looks steep to me, but then again I have ridden it.
May the Lord give you peace and encouragement as you try to recover. There are disk recovery services that might be able to get the data off of your drive even when it is crashed. No need to permanently lose critical info.
A suggestion here - go to Staples, Best Buy, Fry's, etc. and buy a USB external hard drive for a backup. It will be the best $150 you'll ever spend.
I'll join you for the cookies.....
that happened to me this year too about the computer... so lame!! i got an external hard drive though and have been trying to be better about backing stuff up. gah.
are you doing the trail race on dec 19th? and if so which length? :)
Sorry that your knee is acting up. And computer crashes SUCK!!
Cookie recipe sounds interesting. Maybe I should make some. Darn it, I really didn't need to have that thought pop in my head.
Maybe I should start reciting the Serenity prayer...
Ouch your knee! I understand how you feel on the hills. I always feel like my heart and lungs are going to burst. I have been working on my pedal stroke and hill climbing a little more. Still slow in that realm.
Those cookies sound yummy. Now I am hungry.
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