The above picture was taken in May of this year, on Mother's Day as a matter of fact. It was the first (and only) time I had met Stacey, aka Run Bitch Run. We met at Garin very early that morning for a run and to show her the park. We enjoyed a beautiful ten mile run that day.
It has taken us this long to get together again. I know, entirely TOO LONG!
We made a plan to meet here in Fremont at 7:30 and drive to Sunol where we would do a 25-30 mile bike ride. I was so excited and really looking forward to spending time with her again. I arrived at our agreed upon place and got out of my car to give her a hug and get her bike into my car. Uh, brrrrrrrrrrrr! It was COLD. It was 50 degrees and WINDY.
Ugh! We got Stacey's bike and all of her gear into my car and jumped into the front seats, slammed the doors and looked at each other and started laughing. "Boy, it is FREEZING out there!" I started up my car and noticed the temperature had dropped to 49 degrees. OMG! Now it's in the 40's.
We drive out to Sunol (three exits up the freeway) and as we are pulling off the freeway we see the temperature has dropped dramatically to 39 degrees!!! When I pulled over to park, it was now 36 freakin' degrees! Holy crap. There is no way in hell we are going to get out of the car and ride our bikes.
We came up with a great idea. We are going to go eat breakfast and wait for it to warm up. Brilliant idea.
We found a nice little breakfast place in Pleasanton and ordered up some coffee. We had menus but couldn't stop talking for even a minute to look at them. We yacked and yacked AND YACKED for close to an hour before we even placed our order. After about five offers, the waitress stopped asking if she could take our order and just kept refilling our coffee cups. I haven't laughed that hard is such a long time. She is so damn hilarious! Most of you know this already though, from reading her blog.
We finally placed our breakfast order and tried to eat between sentences. She told me stories about her training, her trip to Alaska, her African Safari, her animals. We talked about friendships and husbands. Oh, it was so much fun!
The check came and Stacey was more than generous and bought my breakfast for me. We were finally ready to leave the restaurant and face the day. We had no idea how long we had been there. It definitely was warmer outside. When we got back to my car, it was after 10:30. Oops! Time for a bike ride had run out. Stacey had a dental appointment at 1:00. I had to just drive her back to her car, unload the bike and all of her gear and send her on her way. :(
Next time we will be sure to plan a later start for a bike ride but I wouldn't take back the early unplanned breakfast for anything. Nothing!
As I drove away from her, my car said it was 62 degrees outside. DOH!
Until later.............