And ONE MORE WEEK to go! I "graduate" from my seven day, 40 hour/week intensive treatment program on Easter Sunday. In my opinion, that's a great day for an important transition in life to take place. Beginning April 5th I will begin a 12-week program that is three days a week for 1.5 hours a day. (singing)
I have been completely exhausted by the time I sit down in the evening after everything is done. I know, I must sound like a broken record when I say this but it's true. Luckily I have great friends and I set up dates for exercise after treatment during the week. If I didn't, I would probably come home and never get back out again.
Monday I ran with Christy. She ran a trail half marathon on Saturday so we just did a little 4-miler along the Alameda Creek Trail. We took it nice and slow and had GREAT conversation along the way. I had a headache when we started, actually considered canceling, but felt awesome when we were done!

On Tuesday I met Kristi for a bike ride. Her schedule called for a 45 minute easy ride. We met at the Isherwood staging area and pedaled out toward the bay. Oooooh, it was windy out there. Yes, it was nice having a tail wind on the return trip. Last time I rode with Kristi we rode down Niles Canyon and back so we were single file the entire ride. This ride was nice because we could actually ride side by side and chat the whole time. Someone on Facebook said I look like a
pink power ranger in this picture so I decided to post it. ;)

Then on Thursday, sweet Theresa drove down to Garin and met Boomer and I for a very nice trail run. We climbed some good hills and I was able to show her some of my favorite single track trails.

Theresa got cow crap on her leg. The "rock" she thought she stepped on? It went SQUISH as she stepped on it. Oopsie! LOL If you enlarge this picture, you can see Boomer running up the hill behind her. Super cute!!
She was brave enough to climb in this tree for a photo.

I am feeling better each and every day I wake up. I am getting what I need from this program and it is a blessing I am able to attend it. I'm very grateful I have friends in my life that are so supportive and willing to listen to me and give me encouragement. My little family is being extremely patient while I am busy doing all the work I need to get better. Even after this next week is done and I transition to the next level of care, I will still have to continue the work. I'm just really happy to be alive today and I look at every day as a gift given to me by God!
"MED2010" Accountability:
03/22 - 4 mile run
03/23 - 14 mile bike ride, "24SET" class
03/24 - 1.5 mile walk
03/25 - 5 mile trail run, "24SET" class
03/26 - 3 mile walk
03/27 - 2 mile walk
03/28 - 1.5 mile walk
Until later.............